Chapter 5

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"Because I'm fucking in love with you, Sal!"

It seemed like the entire world just stopped spinning as Sal's entire body froze. He tried to process the words that had just escaped Brian's mouth and he couldn't tell if he was dreaming or if this was actually real. Because he never thought he'd hear such a statement from his best friend no matter how desperately he wanted to.

"What did you just say?" Sal asked breathlessly in utter disbelief.

"I said that I'm in love with you." He repeated in a much softer quieter tone. "I have been. Since freshman year." Brian finally admitted as his feelings started to get the best of him. The rain that had now drenched their clothes was forgotten along with the rest of the world. Right now it was just Sal and Brian. "Sal, I would be so fucking lost without you. You're smart, handsome, funny, sweet, and easily the most amazing person I've ever met. The fact that I get to call you my best friend is what keeps me going everyday." His voice was filled with passion and sincerity and Sal could feel the tears start to sting his eyes. "I look at you and I see everything I have ever wanted and everything I will ever need. And I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner but goddamnit Sal you are my everything." Brian finished, trying to read the emotion behind Sal's expression.

He was quiet for another few seconds, processing every word Brian had said. His heart felt lighter than it ever had but there was still one question hanging over his head that he couldn't wait any longer to ask.

"Why did you call that day in detention a mistake?" Sal asked shakily, his heart clenching all over again at just the thought.

"Because I thought that was what you wanted to hear." Brian told him sadly, shaking his head in disappoint for himself. "I was on the verge of losing you and that was terrifying for me. If calling that day a mistake was going to get me my best friend back then I was gonna do it. Because I need you in my life, Sal. No matter what capacity." He confessed, letting everything from the last few years spill out in front of him.

That was it. That was all the clarification Sal needed. He was more than confident that Brian felt the same way and he wasn't gonna waste anymore time hiding away from his feelings.

Taking three long strides towards the boy, Sal placed his hands on Brian's face and pulled him in for the single most passionate kiss of their entire lives. Instantly Brian melted under Sal's delicate, yet fiery touch and curled his arms tightly around his best friend's waist, wishing he never ever had to let go. The searing sparks that ignited between them both as their lips crashed together were indescribable. Sal's arms wrapped around Brian's neck and his heart completely melted.

The two teenagers stood kissing under the dim lamp post in the pouring rain after having just confessed their undying love for each other. It was incredibly cliche yet incredibly perfect.

Pulling back from the kiss and leaving them both breathless, Sal pushed his forehead to the older boy's. He stared deeply into the soft shades of brown held within Brian's orbs and felt his words before he spoke them.

"I love you, Brian Quinn." Sal finally proclaimed, immediately feeling an extreme weight off of his chest.

Still breathing heavy from their kiss, Brian smiled and closed his eyes feeling the happiest he had been in a long time. He moved one arm from the younger boy's waist and brought his hand to the back of his head, pulling him into another kiss. This one was much softer than the one prior as they both relaxed against each other, relishing the feel of their connected lips once again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Brian breathed still holding his crush against his rain soaked body.

Sal's face fell slightly as he gazed down at the paved street.

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