Chapter 8

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Brian took off sprinting towards his boyfriend who was still slumped against the wall in pain. Immediately Brian kneeled before the boy and took his bruised face gently in his hands, lifting it from its hanging position.

"Hey...Sal look at me." He spoke frantically feeling his heart shatter as he looked over Sal's beaten features. Finally Sal opened his eyes and peered at the boy before him, tears blurring his vision as they threatened to spill from his swollen eyes. "Who did this to you?" Brian asked breathlessly trying to contain his own heartbroken emotions.

"The senior." Sal choked. "The one we got in a fight with at lunch a few months ago." He whispered, still clutching his abdomen.

"That asshole hurt you?!" Brian shouted in anger. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." He muttered darkly letting his mind get distracted from the problem in front of him.

"Brian." Sal voiced trying to get his attention. "It hurts." He whimpered in pain, letting a stray tear trickle down his cheek.

Brian felt his heart break entirely in two. His soft brown eyes gave Sal a cover of warmth that he so desperately needed in that moment.

"I know, baby. It's gonna be okay. Come on." He slid his arms around the younger boy and lifted up from the ground, supporting him with his body. "I've got you. You're okay." He coaxed as he and Sal made their way to Brian's car.

As soon as he got Sal into the car Brian took off towards his house to clean Sal up. Within five minutes they pulled into the driveway and carefully made their way inside. Once they made it unnoticed into Brian's room he led them into the bathroom where he immediately ran a washcloth under some warm water.

He made his way in front of Sal who was leaning against the sink with his shoulders slumped and his head hung down in defeat.

Brian placed his hand under the boy's chin, tilting his face up to get a better look at the various cuts and bruises. Their eyes locked for a moment but neither of them said a word. Brian's thumb gently brushed over Sal's cheek and they each let out a soft sigh.

There was probably a million things that could've been said but silence seemed to be just the right fit at the moment.

Next he lifted the damp cloth up to Sal's face and wiped away the dry blood that stained his cheeks. As soon as the rag came in contact with one of his open wounds he winced in pain and clenched his fists as he instinctively turned his head away from the cloth.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I know it hurts, but I have to clean it." Brian sympathized watching Sal nod his head in agreement.

"Just keep going." Sal mumbled preparing himself for the sharp twinges of pain.

Once his face was cleaned of dirt and blood Brian instructed the boy to remove his shirt so he could assess the damage done to his ribs. He went to discard the dirty rag and when he came back towards the doorway of the bathroom he stopped in his tracks. His stomach dropped when he saw the black and blue bruises all along the right side of his boyfriend's ribs.

His gaze trailed up to Sal's face where he saw him studying himself in the mirror with a deflated look on his face.

"I look horrible." Sal whispered shamefully still staring at his battered reflection.

"Hey..." Q said trying to earn his attention. "These bruises do not make you any less beautiful. They change nothing about how I feel about you." His warm hands slid to Sal's cheeks and Sal felt as if he could've melted right there. "I love you. And I'm so so sorry I let this happen to you." He whispered regretfully.

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