Chapter 7

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**Trigger Warning: Offensive slur (f-word)**

The glow of the tv filled the room that was dark of night and the voices from the movie on the screen became the only thing they heard. Eyes locked on the screen in front of them as they once again found themselves becoming completely entranced in the fictional film.

Sal was settled comfortably on the bed, his back resting against Brian's chest as he sat contently between the boy's legs. Brian himself sat back against the headboard keeping his arms encircled around his boyfriend. Every so often the mood of affection would strike him and Brian couldn't stop himself from placing a kiss to Sal's head or nuzzling his nose into his soft hair.

It had been an entire month since that faithful day of the party. An entire month of dating. The two were thought to be inseparable before, when they were simply best friends, but now things have been kicked up a notch. The two teenagers couldn't seem to tear away from each other even for a second.

Though it had been a month, their relationship status was still under wraps. Sal had admitted only a week ago that he was ready to share the revelation, but Brian still had his self doubts and didn't know if he was quite ready to take that step. Of course Sal understood. So instead of pushing Brian any further on the topic that night, he distracted him with a gentle kiss that cleared Brian's mind of any and all thoughts.

Part of himself didn't want to tell people because this past month had been going better than he ever could've imagined. The late night cuddles when one of them would sneak out to the other's house. The secretive kisses they would steal when no one was looking. The afternoons when Q would hang around the ice rink and watch Sal during hockey practice. The subtle glances they would share whenever they crossed paths in the school hallways. He never wanted it to end.

But another part of him was ready to stop hiding. To stop shying away from who he really was simply in fear of rejection. Because in the end he'd have Sal. And that was all that really mattered.

"Sal." He voiced softly to get the younger boy's attention.

"Yeah babe?" He answered, still too fazed by the movie.

"I...I think I'm ready." Brian stated, watching as Sal turned around his grasp with a look of confusion.

"Ready for what?" Sal questioned as he moved to sit back on his knees, giving himself a perfect view of the boy before him.

Q remained quiet for a second, studying the handsome features of his boyfriend. His. Something so perfect and so beautiful was all his. And in that moment he was certain. There was no doubt that he wanted everyone to know that Sal was his.

"I'm ready to tell people. About us." He clarified watching Sal's reaction intently.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured just because I said I was ready." Sal asked just to make sure. The last thing he wanted was for Brian to resent him for moving this too fast. "I can wait as long as you need." He assured.

Brian's heart melted at the compassion Sal had and the care he took to make sure he was completely comfortable.

A small smile grazed his lips as he too moved to stand on his knees, sliding his warm palms around his lover's hips.

"I'm sure." Q whispered feeling a set of arms lace around his neck. "I want everybody to know you're mine, baby." He murmured earning an impish smile from Sal. Their lips touched only briefly before a playful smack to his ass brought Sal back to reality. "Come with me." Brian ordered holding out his hand for Sal to take once he jumped off the bed.

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