Chapter 2

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"Okay, I'm gonna leave because I have more important things to do. But you're both going to stay in this room until I come back at four. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Franklin, the detention supervisor, exclaimed looking at the two teenagers in the room.



"Good. Now don't do anything stupid." He ordered before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

That was easier said than done.

As soon as he was out of the room Q turned to Sal with a devilish smirk on his face. He opened up his backpack and pulled out a plastic bag with something in it. When he held it up towards Sal he could instantly recognize the item.

"Wanna make this experience much less boring?" He asked shaking the bag to try and entice Sal.

Sal thought about it for a moment and knew his friend was right. This was gonna be way too boring to do without this.

"You have a lighter?" Sal asked suggesting he was in to the idea.

"Damn right I do. Let's smoke this shit up!"


Over the next hour the two teenagers sat on the window sill, passing the joint back and forth, alternately taking hits while blowing the smoke out the open window in an attempt to hide the smell. Their highs were at their peaks and they continued to laugh and giggle uncontrollably at the stupidest things. Conversations about anything and everything flowed effortlessly between them both, their minds fogged and hazed from the enlightening cannabis.

"Y'know..." Q started, leaning forward to get a better look at Sal's face. "You look really good in this lighting, Salvatore." He complimented, admiring the way the sun hit him just right.

"Why thank you, Brian." Sal giggled, returning the use of his full name.

"I mean you always look amazing, but right now..." Q uttered, not thinking clearly as he got lost in Sal's pure handsomeness. The next words out of his mouth were going to change everything. "It's actually really hard for me not to just kiss you." He confessed, too stoned to process his own words.

Sal grabbed the joint and took another long hit, slowly blowing the smoke outside before looking curiously at his best friend. His crush. His love.

"So why don't you?" Sal asked genuinely, his eyes flickering between his feet and Q's eyes.

"Why don't I what?" Q questioned already forgetting his own words.

"Kiss me." He answered simply.

Brian stared at Sal for a moment trying to figure out if he was serious or trying to make a joke. Based on the expression plastered on his face he came to the conclusion that he was serious. His heart started to pound in his chest as he put out the joint, throwing it into his bag before returning his gaze to Sal. He shuffled closer to him and gently placed his hand on Sal's knee as he leaned in closer to his face.

The gentle and warm touch was enough to ignite the fire in Sal's body and he already knew it would be damn hard to put it out.

Their lips met briefly, pressing together softly but firmly. After only a few seconds Q pulled away, barely, staring into Sal's green orbs before trailing his gaze back down to his intoxicating cuban lips. Sal swallowed hard and without another word he locked eyes with Q and nodded his head yes, knowing they both were feeling the same thing.

Not wasting another second Q smashed his lips into Sal's, placing his hand on the back of the boys head to pull him as close as possible. The moment their tongues touched it was game over and there was no stopping what they had started.

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