Chapter 4

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Over the next two weeks Sal and Brian really worked on getting their friendship back on track. The desire to have more of each other like they did that day in detention was lingering in them both but they buried it deep down. At this point their friendship was far more important and they had to accept the fact that what happened before was forgotten and wouldn't happen again.

Well, at least that's what they told each other. There was no way either of them would forget their moment together. And while they did their best to hide their feelings, it was clear there was still tension between them. Joe and Murr no longer noticed it and were glad to see them back to being the two best friends they once were. But Sal and Brian felt it. Whenever one of them would catch the other staring. Or when their hands would touch and that same flash of heat flooded their bodies. Or when their eyes would meet and it seemed neither of them could tear away even for a second.

It was all a new feeling for them both and pretty soon it would push them both over the edge.

"You guys going to that party tonight?" Murr asked as he joined the other three at the lunch table.

"Yeah probably." Joe answered with a mouth full of food making Sal cringe. "What about you two?" He asked looking across at Sal and Q.

Sal looked over at Q and silently hoped that he was going to say no. He would much rather stay at home and play video games with Brian than go to some party with a bunch of people he wouldn't even know.

"I think I'll go." Brian answered which greatly disappointed Sal. "You coming with us, Sally?"

"I don't know. I don't really feel like going to a party." He answered, still wishing he could've just huddled up in his room with his best friend away from the rest of the world.

"Come on!" Q encouraged using his go to saying to get people to do what he wants. "It's not the same without you there. Please come." He begged, playfully sticking out his bottom lip.

It took everything in Sal's power not to kiss those adorable pouty lips. He smiled and looked at his friend's puppy dog face unable to say no.

"Fine." He sighed. "I'll go."

The three others around cheered at his agreement and he suddenly felt Brian's arm around his shoulders, pulling him into the boy's side.

"I knew you'd come around." Brian smirked, ruffling Sal's hair before pulling away.

Sal glared playfully at him and tried to fix his now tussled hair as they continued with lunch.


"Do you really want me to come to this party tonight?" Sal questioned as he kicked a small rock in front of him.

After they had made up in the school bathroom a few weeks ago and walked home afterwards, they decided to skip out on Joe's offer for rides and just walk home together. It gave them the time alone that they so desperately craved.

"Of course I do. It's not a party without drunk Sal." He smirked, kicking the small pebble back to Sal's side.

"I'm probably not gonna get drunk." Sal admitted.

"Yeah me neither." Q agreed.

"Are you sure we can't just stay home and play video games or something?" Sal basically pleaded, his voice close to a whine that Brian found incredibly cute.

"Sal, I love you, but we've been hiding away from the world for like two weeks now. We need at least some human interaction that's not with each other." Q laughed, still noticing the pouty look on his friend's face.

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