Chapter 6

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Sal woke up first the next morning, groaning softly as his eyes lazily fluttered open and adjusted to the bright sun beaming through the blinds. He stretched out a bit beneath the blanket and that was when he felt a strong arm around his waist and a gentle breath on the back of his neck.

A small smile tugged at his lips as the fairytale events from the night prior began to flood his mind. Comfort filled his heart to the brim when he realized Brian's body had kept a protective hold on him all night long. And as much as he wanted to stay in the safe space that was Brian's arms he could feel nature calling. The longer he ignored it the louder it got and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Sal carefully tried to remove the boy's arm from around his torso without waking him. However that proved unsuccessful when he heard an annoyed grumble come from behind him and a constricting grip around his body.

"What are you doing?" Q mumbled tiredly.

The low gravelly tone of his voice sent a shiver down Sal's spine and he couldn't remember ever hearing something so undeniably sexy. But he couldn't focus on that right now.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Sal replied quietly, still trying to pry off Brian's arm.

Brian groaned in annoyance and pulled Sal's body closer into his chest.

"No." He argued with an adorable pout and buried his face further into the back of Sal's neck.

"Bri!" Sal whined through a small chuckle. "I have to pee." He practically begged.

"Fine." Q huffed in disapproval and cuddled back under the blanket as Sal left for the bathroom.

A minute later Sal emerged and stopped in his tracks when he noticed Brian still on the bed, emitting soft snores in his sleep. Snores he somehow never got tired of hearing even after countless sleepovers throughout the years. The boy had moved onto his back giving Sal the opportunity to join him once again, but this time laying his head down on Brian's chest.

The sudden weight atop of him made Q start to stir awake yet again as he looked down and noticed his love snuggling into his side. His heart swelled as he gazed at the site he would gladly wake up to over and over again.

"Hi." He spoke softly, wrapping his arm around the back of the boy's shoulders.

Sal lifted his head and met the eyes already watching over him.

"Hi." He whispered shyly as he tried to hide his smile. The next moments were filled with silence as the two teens simply admired each other. "Do you remember last night?" Sal questioned pretty certain he already knew the answer based on the actions Brian had portrayed this morning.

"Of course I do." Q answered bringing his hand up to push back a piece of Sal's raven colored hair with his fingertips.

"You didn't change your mind or anything, did you?" Sal asked hesitantly, his constant fear of the unknown making an appearance.

But Brian just laughed softly at the question and shook his head before gently placing his warm palm against Sal's cheek.

"Sal, I've been in love with you for almost three years. That's not just gonna change over night." He assured, stroking his thumb across the delicate tanned skin. "That's not ever gonna change."

Sal couldn't take it anymore and leaned his head up to capture Brian's lips within his own. Instantly Brian melted against him and brought his other hand up to Sal's face, holding him in the kiss even longer. Adjusting himself slightly Sal moved to hover between Brian's legs as he slipped his tongue passed the boy's lips.

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