Chapter 12

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"Would you quit it?" Q complained as he swatted Sal's hand away.

"I'm just trying to help you." Sal argued as he avoided Brian's hands and continued to fix the boy's hair.

"When have I ever cared about how I look at school?" He fought ducking away from Sal's picky critiques.

"It's our first day of senior year, don't you want to at least look presentable?" Sal questioned as he once again tried to smooth over a piece of Brian's hair.

"Hey!" Q exclaimed slightly offended. "These looks won you over didn't they?" He shot back with a playful grin that Sal couldn't help but mirror.

"Guys, come on you're going to be late!" They each heard Sal's dad call from downstairs.

With a few final touches and checks in the mirror they were each ready to leave as Sal proceeded towards his door first, reaching for the handle. But just before he could open it he felt something grip the hem of his shirt and spin him back around. Before he could even realize what was happening he felt Brian's lips come crashing down onto his own as his hands pulled him in closer by his waist. It didn't take long for Sal to melt into it and hold the boy's cheeks in the kiss even longer.

"I love you." Brian smirked as Sal playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too, dork." He returned and grabbed his lover's hand as he led them downstairs.


"What kind of asshole gives us homework on the first day of school?" Q groaned as he, Sal, and Murr walked out of the school.

"It's not even that hard, dude." Murray argued as they jogged down the front steps. "Anyway, you guys wanna hang out at my place for a bit?"

"Yeah sure." Brian answered already finding a way to avoid his work.

"I can't, I've gotta get to hockey practice." Sal declined.

"You want me to drive you?" Q offered sweetly glancing over at his boyfriend.

"No it's okay, I'll just walk." He answered.

"You sure?" He asked again.

"I'm sure." Sal smiled reassuringly before leaning in to place a quick but loving kiss to the boy's lips. "I'll see you later."

"Bye baby." Brian grinned as he watched the man walk away.

"Gross." Murr muttered under his breath before cowering away as Q's hand smacked the back of his head.

"Shut up."


Practice was over and Sal was the last one in the locker room as he packed away all of his gear. Just as he closed the locker he was using he heard a familiar voice that made his entire body tense.

"Long time no see, Vulcano."

Sal slowly turned around and put a face to the voice.

"What are you doing here, Jackson?" He asked trying to show no emotion in his tone towards the boy who had beat him senseless less than a year ago.

"My little brother has skating lessons and I thought I saw a familiar face." He smirked menacingly in a way that made Sal's stomach turn.

He did a quick look around praying one of his teammates had stuck around, but he started losing hope when he came up empty. Suddenly Jackson took another step closer to Sal, uncrossing his arms as he flexed his hand in and out of a fist.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" He spat, gripping tighter to the hockey stick in his hand.

"You and that Quinn kid still fags?" Jackson questioned moving in closer to the boy who back up until his back hit the locker.

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