All Might and Felix team up on Claude!

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"WHAT?" screamed the class and a pissed off Jennette as Felix and Claude kept starring at Izuku, well only the part they could see since Shouto was blocking most of their view.

"Father he can't be that b*tch's child" screamed Jennette who thought she would get the throne when Claude died since their was no one else till know "Even if he was he's a baster*d like that b*itch ...." she was caught of as Aizawa Shouta's scarf started to chock her as he glared at her with blazing eyes.

Claude didn't care about Jennette, not since the black magic was ripped from his body and the memory's of Diana returned. He hated himself for killing Athanasia, the last pieace of his love, but finding out now all these years later he had a grandchild of said child it blew his mind!

He then remembered that this school and this class was for TRAINING HEROES, HIS CUTE GRANDSON COULDN'T STAY HERE!!!!!!!! 'What if he get's hurt? Or killed? Or someone kidnapping him and doing horrable things to the cutie????????' thought Claude as he used his magic to lift Izuku out of the middle of the class' wall, making everyone panic trying to get him back into the safety area, and into his arms. But before he could turn to leave, a voice cried "I AM ..... LET GO OF YOUNG MIDORIYA YOU VILLAIN!" as Claude then felt a MASSIVE punch to his face, as Izuku was picked up by Katsuki who then ran back into the safety wall, flew him back till his back hit the wall, almost breaking it!

"ALL MIGHT!" cried Izuku with stars in his eyes, All Might then ran over to his young student to check him over for injuries. Felix meanwhile was remembering Izuku kept talking about this one Hero called 'All Might' saying he was the world's number one hero as they walked to the classroom. Felix then walked over to Claude and Punched him on his right side of his now bleeding face screaming "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TOUCH THAT CUTE ANGEL WITH YOUR MURDER STAIN HANDS!!!!!!!! YOU DIDN'T WANT HIS MOTHER AS YOUR CHILD, LET ALLOWN TOUCH HER SO WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TOUCH HIM?" 

All Might and the class looked at him with so much amazment in their eyes it was blinding, Aizawa then walked over to Felix (not before dropping a passed out Jennette onto Mineta, who cried "GET THIS FAT UGLY B*TCH OFF ME") and asked him to bring the royal family into the principal office to have a talk without alarming the student and freaking Izuku out more.

Gurads started to help the royals up and out the door, as Aizawa started to leave he asked Inko and All Might to come as well. As Inko left, she turned around and asked Katsuki to keep an eye on Izuku then left.

Katsuki picked Deku up and pulled him into a hug, covering his ears before growling out "That shitty bas***ed isn't getting near Deku or I'll blast him to bits!" All the others of class 1-A thought the same, and started to get their quirks ready incause someone tried to hurt Deku.


All For One was in his lare watching the news, glaring at the image of Princess Jennette de Alger Obelia and Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia till his student and heir came running in screaming "SENSEI!!!!!!!!"

"Come down Tomura what is it?" asked Hizashi turning around to look at a painc Shigaraki Tomura. "Sensei it's bad" cried Shiggy "The emperor has found out; our spies have told us!"

All For One frozed for a moment till he said "Start calling everyone to meet us in the Obelia empire, NOW!" As shiggy started to run out the door screaming at everyone plan 'Obelia' was a go, Hizashi whispered looking at a portait of his beloved with next to a photo of Izuku in his U.A uniform saying "It's time my love, you will be revenged and our son safe."

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