Izuku gets mad!

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"So my Mom got muder over being jelous of her half sister, who was the second princess? Who wouldn't get the throne because the law stated that the FIRST OFFICAL BORN ROYAL GET'S IT AND YOU ALL THOUGHT MY MOM WAS JELOUS OVER SOME GIRL GETTING SOME ATTECHION FROM EVERYONE AND THE EMEPOR?!?!?!?" screamed Izuku in anger as green light started coming off of him, his quirk and his mana mixing togather to full the anger he felt.

"She was also dragged out of her birthing bed not even moments after having you. One of the main reason why she told your dad to take you and run, in case they tried to kill you or keep you alive but live the same way she did." Ces pointed out, getting a look of betrayel from Felix who got a glare in return.

"Let's not forget Lily York, the nanny of her highness Princess Athanasia. She was killed because 'Princess' Jennette said she most have helped with posioning her." Hannah pointed out glaring at the said murder, who hanged his head down in shame. Izuku glared at Felix darken before he pointed towards the Emperor's palace and said that his grandfather better be ready to be yelled at later and for the knight to get out of his sight.

As Felix ran away Izuku sighed as he calmed down, taking deep breaths before whispering out "Who's Diana and why is she connected to mom?" Ces and Hannah sighed knowing it was time to tell the boy, even thought they wanted to wait till he was ready (THANKS FELIX).

Ces bowed and asked for Izuku to fallow her to the drawing room. It was a lovely grand room but Izuku didn't care at the moment he cared about the reason his mom died because she was framed. "So who's Diana?" asked Izuku to the two maids, who both pointed at his necklace and ask if he knew where it came from.

"No I don't .... I know it was my mom's but that's it." Izuku said sadly holding the necklace's peral in his hand looking at it wondering how his mom got it. "It's came from a country called Sindoraina, worn by a dancer called Diana, who was said looked like a fairy who the Emperor took a fancy to and sadly past away giving birth to Princess Athanasia." Hannah said as she lowered her head.

"Diana's my grandma? And she died in childbirth didn't she that's why my Mom was neglected." muttered more to himself but blushed when the maids nodded their heads. Running his fingers in his hair he sighed before asking if Jennette's mother also died in childbirth. Ces answered yes but something was off about it "When his majesty found out that his late fiancee died he didn't even shed a tear but did let Jennette stay in the palace and it took her mouths to even get him to have tea with her." Ces said gritting her teeth, hating talking about the two remaining older royals who ignored her princess unless they wanted something.

"But what about grandma? Did he cr-" but Izuku was caught off by the most horrable noise he ever hear; Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia try to force Diana to loss the baby and once she died order everything that he even belong to the woman destroyed.

"He's horrable! What an awful man *sobbing noises*" Izuku said threw broken tears of dread and sadness clunching the necklace, asking how the necklace survived. The two maids said the nanny of his mother saved it by hiding it in a secret pocket in her dress chest area when the gurads came burging in the Ruby Palace.

"Can you two tell me some stories about Mom? I don't really know anything about her." Izuku asked the two maids after he calmed down, the two woman smiled before nodding their heads before sitting down beisde the boy an answering many of the green hair boy's questions.

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