Unwelcome guests

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15 years has past since the death of the first princess of the Obelia empire, only 14 years since they found out the truth of Princess Jennette's aunt, Countess Rosalia had told the truth of posioning under a truth spell during a ball.

Fleix had never held so much hate for a person in his life but now he HATED Countess Rosalia and Princess Jenntte. Jennette had admited, under a truth spell as well, that she knew her aunt posion her and only wanted Athanasia out of the way for the throne. She, as well as her aunt, had spred lies about princess Athanasia till her death. He killed Lily, the woman he loved and still dose, under the orders of Jennette, who told the emperor that she could have help the first princess.

Now today, he was helping to escort the imperial family to a school call 'U. A. High School' to see the students who would one day by heros with their abilities called 'Quirks'. Only Claude was paying attention where Jennette was trying to steer all the attention to herself.

 Minding in his own thoughts, Felix found he lost his way and was now alone in a hallway by himself. Trying not to panic, he went into blood killed mood when he heard a soft voice say "Sssir? Our you lost?"pulling a sword on the person behind him.

He stopped when he saw it was a boy, who for some reason remind him of the late princess, he had green hair that looked fluffy, freckles on his cheeks, a feminine body with mussles and scars all over his hands. But what took his breath away was his eyes, Jeweled blue eyes with so much light and hope in them.

 But what took his breath away was his eyes, Jeweled blue eyes with so much light and hope in them

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(Think this is Izuku with jeweled eyes like Athanasia)

They looked so much like princess Athanasia's eyes and he looked so much like her as well. Could it be.........? "Sir if your lost I belive all the geusts our heading to my class now, I can lead you there!" said the boy with a happy smile on his face. 

Felix looked at him thinking 'OMG HE'S SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! I MOST PROTECT HIM!!!!!!!!' but said "Thank you" As they walked to the classroom Felix found out the boy was named Izuku.

As they got to class one they heard a woman screaming "NO I HAVE TO TAKE IZUKU OUT OF SCHOOL NOW!!!!!!!!" The boy walked into the classroom saying "Aunt Inko what's wroung?" before Felix could pull him back to stop him from seeing the emperor but it was too late.

Claude turned away from his 'daughter', who really got on his nerve now since she acting more like Penelope since opening his eyes to the truth, and gasp seeing the boy. He looked so much like Athanasia and Diana but with green fluffy hair. As he tried to touch the boy, his hand was slapped back by the plump green hair woman screaming in anger "STAY AWAY FROM MY NEPHEW YOU MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aizawa Shouta (also known as Eraserhead) said "Miss. Midoriya what our you talking about?" as he looked at his problem student and the visting emperor and princess, who was getting on his last nerve with all her whinning.

Still glaring at the emperor, ignoring the teacher all togather, saying "What finally come to finish off the last thing of my sister-in-law, took you 15 years. Well I bet you didn't even bother to clean up that cell my dear cute nephew was born in only minutes before you kill his mother!"

All the class looked on in shook, before Momo grabed a freak out Izuku and pulled him into the class wall of students ready to protect their own.

Claude was god shooked till he ask "His mother? I didn't kill anyone 15 years ago except............" "Princess Athanasia, your daughter!" said Felix as the two man as well as the rest of the gurads stared at Izuku in shook.

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