Packing in 1-A dorms .... why can't these kids be normal?

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As everyone finally got back to the dorms Izuku rushed into his room so he didn't have his friends going all overprctiove again. Really he got scoled for eating a cinnamon roll and he heard them as they hiss "Cannibalism" as he ate. He also could help people in need, but only with Iida breathing down his neck saying "You don't know who's in need or if someone is just going to snatch you up. So for now on you need somebody with you!"

Don't even menchine all the times he heard people talking about something call 'sex' (it was on a form for middle school but his Dad wouldn't sign it and Kaachan wouldn't tell him a thing; Kaachan also beat up anyone who was about to tell him) and someone always covers his ears yelling "NOT INFRONT OF THE ANGEL!!!!!!"

Anyways back to the matter on hand, his Dad signed a form saying the school could take him on filed trips so no need to call him 'I'll let the teachers deal with that call with aunty' thought Izuku as he brought out his suit cases; one big and one middume. He started to pack his clothes in one and in the other he place every All Might iteam he own into it. Next he packed a bag of importent iteams such ass pens, his notbooks, his picture book (where he place all his photos and drawings in) and finally got out a spical box .... a necklace box where he place his mom's necklace in. It was the only thing he had of her and Izuku took very good care of it, his Dad made him drawings of his mom all the time for him but ..... Izuku didn't know a thing about her like her past or how she died all he knew was all the moments his Dad spent with her and her first name Athanasia.

Signing he walked out of his room and head to the common room where he saw half his frineds arguing about something (Meeting of Deku Fan Club was in progress since everyone got into the dorm's living room) till he almost tripped over his own feet "AWWWWWWW" screamed Izuku as he almost hit the ground but was stopped. Looking up he saw Asui tongue caught him smiling he said "Thanks Asui-chan ..... So what is everyone talking about!"

Everyone went pale till Uraraka blush stuttering out "Um we we our planning um where we should go site seeing in the Obelia Empire!" as everyone whipped their heads towards around glaring at her before Izuku smiled so brightly it burns "WOW THAT'S GREAT URARAKA-CHAN!!!  THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!!!!! I'LL GO LOOK UP SOME PLACES RIGHT NOW!!!" before he rushed back into his room.

"Nice going round cheeks now Deku is going to plan a hole trip and now we have to go to a bunch of f^$king places where there is going to a buch of extras!!" snarled Bakugo as Kirishima pulled him back on to the couch. Dark shadow came out saying "Fumi is worry to cause we sence something dark from that fake princess" "SILENCE DARK SHADOW!" shouted Tokoyami before he calm down saying "Yes I have sence something dark sticky black stuff from Princess Jennette like something that wants people to like her and I heard a whispered from saying 'Love Jennette, do anything for her' but once she shouted at Izuku it said 'Kill him no one can be more loved then Jennette, destory him' ..... There is also something about her eyes like their not really jeweled blue but a sickly green with a mask over top of them."

Everyone was silent before Shoto said "Could this be some kind of conspiracy?" as everyone grunted noises as Mina said "Shouto-kun not again..." Iida shocked his head before saying "It could be ... If the emperor thought Jennette was his real child then she could get the throne .... and the only way she could get it if the bloodline of the first princess was out of the way .... WITCH MEANS IZUKU MIGHT BE ENDANGER!!!!!!!"

As the students started to panic, Aizawa-Sensei walked into the room seeing his class panicing without problem child anywhere in sit so he thought it might be another "Deku Fan Club" meeting as he slowly turned around walking back out of the dorm saying "Not my problem if I didn't see it." 

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