Chapter 14

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"FREE AT LAST!!" Shouted darknia as he rampaged throughout the city as the citizens screamed in fear. "BOW DOWN TO YOUR NEW OVERLORD!!" Lightnia, dawnia, dusknia, & mr.wolf arrived in the city just to see darknia destroying the city. Carol & Stephanie ran towards them, scarred & damaged real hard. "Wolfie! Thank god you're here, that bitch completely gave it their best shot at us." Said carol. Lightnia approached darknia. "DARKNIA! You may have been freed from the chains you were in for the last thousands of years. But that does not give you an excuse to obliterate the innocent!" "SILENCE WHORE!" Shouted darknia as he launched a dark blob and it hurt Lightnia. "MOTHER!" Said the children. "No worries, I have an idea." Lightnia possessed mr.wolf as he glowed bright yellow, making him invincible. "NO!" Said darknia. "What do we do?" Asked Stephanie. "We're gonna take down that hydra pet he has!" Said dusknia as the children possessed both carol & Stephanie, making them both invincible. "Let's kick some ass!" Said carol.

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