Chapter 12

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Mr. Wolf & dawnia made it onto the dusk temple with minor injuries, thanks to dawnia's invincibility. Mr.wolf then opened the gem of dusknia "who dares awaken the mighty dusknia?!" Dusknia then notices dawnia. "Hello!" Dawnia waved at her big brother. "Dammit, dawnia. I was trying to look intimidating! Now what do you want" said dusknia. "Listen, The Who multiverse is in danger! Dad has awaken and possessed an innocent soul. He's in chains right now but I don't know what'll happen next!" Explained dawnia. " i think I know, my vision says that darknia will break free from the chains and obliterate all things that get in his way!" "Aw shit" said wolf. Dusknia notices mr.wolf. "Why's that mutt with you?" Asked dusknia. "Brother, I believe that this wolf will be the chosen hero! I just know it!" Said dawnia. "Well looks like we'll have to take matters into mom's hands" said dusknia. "Who y'all mom?" Asked wolf. "The god of light, lightnia..."

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