Chapter 10

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"Gee, those dudes look very tough." Said Charlie as him & wolf entered the border, which contained a casino & bar. They both received toxic stares at them. "Hey kid, aren't you a little too young to be here?" A buff badger said. "Wha-?! I'm 17 you bitch!" Charlie shouted, then covered his mouth, regretting what he just said. The gang members started to group around them, cracking their knuckles and growling. "Piece of cake!" Dawnia said, then she possessed wolf as he glowed yellow & grew muscles. "CHARGE!" Said a gang member. But mr.wolf pummeled every gang member one by one. "Run Charlie run!" Charlie started heading toward the exit of the border, but a couple gang members were catching up to him. Mr.wolf finished off the last gang member and ran towards Charlie as the gate to the border closed. The panted & sweated as they made it. "Whew, we made it to the temple, heh, I think we're gonna be just fi-" as Charlie was about to finish the sentence, an arrow shot through his chest. Then his mouth started bleeding. The gang member who shot the arrow finally passed out. Charlie fell to the ground "OH MY GOD,CHARLIE,NO!" Wolf was desperately trying to help Charlie stay alive, but Charlie could barely breathe. "Hey, don't worry wolf, everything's gonna be ok, I lived my life to the fullest, and that's what counts. Finish my project for me,ok?" Charlie finally closed his eyes peacefully. "Charlie? Charlie?! CHARLIE!" Mr.wolf started crying his tears landed on Charlie. "Don't worry Charlie, I'll finish your dream..."

The bad guys: rescuers of the multiverse Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora