Chapter 4

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"Where the hell are you going?!" Said an angry citizen. Mr. Wolf was in a grey cat disguise to prevent the angry citizens from attacking him. "Uh....meow?" The citizens took a closer look at him. "Just let him go, we have better things to than to stare down a cat." The citizens moved out of the way for mr.wolf as he entered to apartment. "Mayor, it worked" mr.wolf said into a walkie talkie. "Good job wolf, the apartment number is 2231 in floor 2." Mr.wolf pressed the up button on the elevator. The elevator door opened to have 3 gang members already inside. "Piss off litter box" said a member as. They got out of the elevator. Another member spitted on wolf. Mr. Wolf went to the elevator and went to floor 2. " 2231." Mr.wolf stopped at the door of the apartment room and opened it with the card mayor moe gave him. "OMG I swear Jessica's a pain in the ass sometimes!" There was a tarantula with a pixie cut inside the apartment room with a very tiny computer on a big table. She turned around to see wolf. "Ahhh! Mayor moe! What are you doing here?! Oh pls don't tell me I haven't paid water bills!" "Stevie??" Mr.wolf asked. "Stevie?! Who's Stevie??" The tarantula took another look at mr.wolf. "Oh wait, your not the mayor. Oh thank goodness, I wouldn't live 5 seconds on the streets. Name's Stephanie, blogger prodigy. So are you like the mayor's son or something?" Stephanie asked as she was typing. "Oh no, I'm actually from another dimension" Stephanie spitted out the boba tea she was drinking. "You what?! That's like, impossible my dude! Is there like an alternative dimension me?" "Um yeah, actually there is. And he's a hacker" "oh wow, a gender bender." Stephanie was posting more comments on her social media as wolf takes a look around her room. " so I got here by pure accident, is there any way I can get back to my friends??" Asked wolf. " actually there is! There is a serpent king that exists inside the basement of where mayor moe's building is" "here we go again" sighed wolf. The walkie talkie started malfunctioning. "Mr.wolf, can you hear me?!" It was mayor moe. " yes, I'm here with Stephanie" " I've got bad news, the gang members eventually found out where you're at by mr.shark, so I advise you to start running." The walkie talkie turned off. " OH SHIT, WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!" " calm down ya mutt, I've kept this potion for occasions like this. Take one sip and no one will see ya! But the potion only lasts for 5 minutes so hurry out the apartment." " thanks steph!" He took a drink and turned invisible immediately. The gang members burst inside the room "where's the wolf?!" The room was empty except for Stephanie. Wolf started running down the stairs and into the lobby. Then stopped to take a look at a picture. It was a selfie of wolf and the good guys club. " I won't let you down."

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