Chapter 5

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"Tell us where the wolf is at!" "Why don't you kiss my fluffy fat ass instead!" Stephanie was tazed again. The gang members has tied up Stephanie in a doll chair while they destroyed her room. "Ok,then we'll break your tiny little arms, one by one." "Nah bro that's a bit too harsh, we won't get a word out of her if we do that" said a female gang member. "Oh thank god" Stephanie sighed. "Why don't we break her computer instead?" They held a bat next to her computer. "NO THAT COSTS 1,000$!" Stephanie cried. "Then talk!" Said the gang member. Stephanie spitted in his face. They were about to swing the bat into the computer "WAIT,I'll tell y'all." Stephanie gave in. "Put the bat down, she's talking" they did as they commanded. "He's heading towards mayor moe's building." "Good girl, LETS GET HIM BOYS!" The gang members ran out of the Room setting Stephanie free. "I'm sorry wolf..."
Mr.wolf was exiting the apartment when the effects started wearing off. "No no no! Not now!" Then the effects went off revealing wolf. "THERE HE IS! GET HIM!!"the gang members started to chase him. "CRAP!" Wolf said as he started running from the mob.
" wondering what those hood rats are up to..."  a telescope is seen to be navigating the city as a mysterious animal is near the city in a silver ship with wheels. Then the animal saw that it was wolf being chased. "Crap! That poor wolf's in trouble!" The animal put down the telescope and sounded a horn. Then 300 pirates came out of a hole in the ship with some of them in robotic horses. Then the animal swung on a rope and landed in one of the robotic horses. The gang members and wolf saw the pirates and started running in the opposite direction they were running. Some of the pirates caught up to some of the gang members and started attacking. " If we're gonna die I'm taking the wolf with me" a gang member said as he grabbed wolf by the neck. But the mysterious animal jumped off the horse and threw some shurikens at the gang members as he yelped & let wolf go. "Let's get out of here! Retreat! RETREAT!" The gang members retreated away from the pirates & wolf. "Thank you for saving're not agent fox!" "Agent fox? Who's that?" The mysterious animal revealed to be a kangaroo with a ponytail and a crown on her head. Also wearing black lipstick & a spike choker with a red bandage on her leg. "Name's carol, leader pirate of these cool losers" she waved at the pirate gang as they said hello to wolf. "What do you think you're doing in this dangerous city?" Asked carol. "I'm trying to get to this building over there" said wolf, pointing to mayor moe's building. "Heh cool. Well you nearly got ate alive by those angry citizens over there." Said carol "THEY WERE GONNA EAT ME?!" Shouted wolf. "Hehe,just kidding. Well if you need some more help. Just tell my name." "Ok, thank you so much carol!" Wolf started running to the building. "To be honest, he kinda looks like mayor moe."

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