Chapter 1

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"Type faster legs!" "I'm trying!" 5 animals were at an escape pod on the moon trying to get away from an alien leader and his army. A wolf, a shark, a weird sardine dude with fangs, a snake, and a tarantula. The tarantula, who's name is Stevie, is trying to type in their home location so they can escape. "I don't know dudes, it says something in the settings, but I can't exactly read it out" "WE'RE GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T ESCAPE!!" Shouted the snake. "OK shut up dude, I think i've got it..." he typed the final code words to their location and the escape pod warped out in time. " we'll get you someday, you and those hideous animals!" Said the alien leader, who's name is marmalade. The escape pod was going extremely fast getting to their location. "We're going really fast,Chicos!" Said the piranha,who's name is Pepe. "Oh god, I'm gonna be sick!" Said the shark, who's name is Lou. " hang in there guys, we're going hooooome!" Then everything went pitch black, according to the wolfs mind (who's name is moe) a couple hours later, mr.wolf woke up, still inside the pod. " I'm alive! Thank the lord! Is everyone ok guys??" No one spoke. "Guys?" Everyone was gone except mr.wolf, he was alone in the escape pod. "Legs? Snake? Shark? Piranha?" Mr.wolf then opened the hatch to the pod. Then mr.wolf realized he wasn't home, he was in a different dimension. " are you kidding me?"

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