Part 12

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoy!

Tea and more tea

"Gosh you would think that the Jin sect tea tastes better!" Xi Bai spits in disgust, "Even the Lan sect has better tasting tea!" MianMian burst out laughing, holding her stomach as her shoulders shook up and down.

"Indeed! I would drink that! This tea really isn't that good, too watered down for my liking."

"It tastes as if we are just drinking plain water, Ha! I bet this was Sect Leader Jins doing! I've smelled that bastards tea, and clearly it's of high quality! Yet he gives his guest whatever this is!" Xi Bai rages.

"Hush, this isn't our sect. Best we don't cause trouble. I'm already hated by that man," I spoke before downing my tea like a shot, "Man, what I would do for some alcohol"

"Don't even get me started. Gusu's Emperor's Smile is really good!" Xi Bai moaned out with a sigh.

"Haha! You sound like Wei Wuxian! Always talking about Emperor's Smile.....Though I must admit, it is pretty good" MianMian voiced out. This reminds me of the situation we are in. Is A-Zhan, and Wei Ying okay? What of Cloud Recesses? Lan Huan? Uncle Lan? It hurts not to know. "A-Ya, Are you okay?"

"I'm just worried about Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian. Wh-What if they are hurt, or worse......Did you know that Lan Zhan was already hurt when he arrived for Wen Chao's "class"?"

"What do you mean!? How was he hurt?" Both girls shout.

"When the Wen Clan set fire to the Cloud Recesses, Lan Zhan stood in their way. He tried to stop them from burning the library. They broke his leg, and all the walking we did made his leg worse." Suddenly MianMian stood up and slammed her hand on the table.

"When we were leaving the cave I think I saw Lan Wangji jump in front of Wei Wuxian to protect him from the Tortoise of Slaughter!" Xi Bai nodded in agreement.

"I also saw that. I believe it got a hold of his leg, I'm not sure which one though, all I saw was him getting tossed through the air." MianMian hit Xi Bai on the head.

"You're not helping! Look at A-Ya, she's so pale!"

"Haha...." Xi Bai laughed nervously, "I'm sure he's okay, you don't need to worry, he is strong. Both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian will be alright. We just have to have faith in them!"

"I hope you're right. I don't know what I will do if Lan Zha-"

"Of Course I'm right! Like I said just have faith." 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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