Part 11

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I wanted to get this chapter out quickly after I wrote it so there may be some errors. Enjoy :)

Lanling Jin Sect

"Madam Jin?" I stared at the women before me.

"Dear, don't listen to that man. He may be the Sect Leader but I'm his wife and truly everyone here knows I'm the one that runs things around here. So please stay until Jin Zixuan gets back." Madam Jin snaps before lowering her voice into a gentle tone, "Please stay here for a bit, it would be nice to have you around, and not just so I can piss off my husband but because I would like to be in the company of a strong young woman who has common sense."

"I would be honored Madam."

"Good. Now I think I have things to attend to before that....that....that man says anything stupid, goodbye dear hopefully I see you around in the coming days." Without waiting for a response she walks out the door.

"Lady Qi!?" I hear a yell from outside. Hurrying over to the window I peer outside to see a girl in pink.

"Wait, I know you! Your Luo Qingyang, right?"

"T-that---yes, Lady Qi!"

"Mmmm, why do you seem so shocked?" I questioned. This caused the poor girl to blush as red as the rouge makeup I own.

"I just didn't think you would know my name. Most people don't call me by my real name."

"I don't mean to assume but when Wei Wuxian called you 'Mianmian' you seemed quite offended and even went as far as saying only friends can call you that, counting on the fact we haven't really spoken before now, I thought it was in my best interest to call you formally." This caused the girl to blush even more if that's even possible.

"I don't mind if Lady Qi calls me Mianmian, it would be an honor."

"Then you better stop calling me 'Lady Qi' and instead call me 'Qi Ya',Mmm? I think it's only fair, if me calling you in such a way implies we are familiar with each other then I would prefer that you also call me in a familiar way," Pausing for a bit I ask, "Mianmian, are you okay after the whole...Wen Chao thing?"

"To be honest..I still feel disgusted, How can someone show such disrespect to another person? By the way, thanks for helping me," Mianmian gasped before shouting up to me, "I almost forgot why I came here! One of your friends from your sect is currently in the healing ward."

"WHAT! Stay right there, I'll be out in a second!" Scrambling to get my shoes on, I rushed out the door to where Mianmian stood when a sudden wave of dizziness hit me. I would have fallen if not for the arms that wrapped around my middle section.

"A-ya! What do you think you're doing!?" A voice scolded me. Mianmian quickly bowed to the newcomer. Laughing, I straightened myself up before speaking to the one still holding me up.

"Xi Bai, You must know that I was only worried about you. What would I ever do if you were seriously injured? I wouldn't have my shadow following me and people may start to think I'm crazy because I would be talking to myself." I could feel the vibrations of Xi Bai's laugh where her chest was pressed on my back, soon I could hear the faint rumble of her laugh in my left ear.

"Indeed, what would you do? After all, you depend on me so much. I don't think you would be able to breath without me," Xi Bai joked while letting go of my middle and linking her arm with my left one instead, "Mianmian, come take her other arm. How does tea sound to you. Actually don't answer, I already asked a servant to get some." Mianmian seemed amused at our banter as she did as instructed.

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