New life

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Everything is cold and dark. But then comes a warmth. I open my eyes to see a young man and woman looking looking down at me. But why do they look so big? Did I get transferred into a babies body? A midwife smiled at the couple and said, "Congratulations on the baby girl."     Well, that answers my questions. I have indeed been reborn. The only thing that is wrong about this is that its seems I have been reborn, back in time. So much for dying at the age of fifteen. Oh well, better enjoy this while I can.   

                                                                           Six years later                                                                                          It's been six years since I was born, my father died because of illness. Mother though she could keep it from me, she thinks she can keep a lot of things from me, but in the end I find out one way or another. For this, I've been labeled as a genius. This was because I already learned a lot of things in my old world, so I used it to my advantage. "Honey, come here!"

"Coming mom!" I yelled back before jogging down the halls. When I reached her she had this big smile on her face.

"Love, today is the day we choose your name, isn't that great!" My mother beamed. The thing about our village is that we don't get our names until we are six and a half. Which today happens to be my half birthday, so now I have to go to a temple to find out my name. I smiled kindly at the woman I call my mother.

 "Yeah mom, I can't wait!" I cheered as grabbed her hand and started to walk outside. On our way to the temple we heard people screaming and crying out in pain. My mother picked me up and started to run towards the woods. I looked back and saw people I once knew, being slaughtered by some fierce corpses. After a couple minutes of running, mother put me down and told me to run. I didn't really want to, but seeing the desperate look on her face I agreed. I kissed her on the cheek and told her I loved her for the last time, I then started to run away from the scene. I could hear my mother's screams as she was eaten alive. After six hours of hiding I went back and saw that my village had been demolished, and was being eaten by flames. I went to my house and packed a couple pairs of clothes, money, medicine, food, water and my moms pendant that she left on her nightstand this morning. I then started my journey to a near by village.

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