Part 10

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What is happening?

"Lady Qi!" Madam Jin shouted, "Are you alright?"

"Umm, yeah I think so. What happened? Why am I here?" I questioned while trying to sit up so I could take in my surroundings.

"One of the Wens knocked you out. Jin Zixuan brought you here three days ago"

"What! What about Lan Wangji? Is he okay?" I yelled while getting to my feet; only to feel dizzy and drop back onto the bed.

"You shouldn't try to get up. The doctor said you have a concussion. Also about second master Lan.....well....according to my son he and Wei Wuxian are stuck in the cave that the Tortoise of Slaughter is in."


"Now Lady Qi, no need to be worked up. People are already on their way to free the two of them." Butted in the man whore also known as Sect leader Jin, "Why don't we have tea and chat while we wait for their return." He said while looking me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Sect Leader Jin, While I do appreciate your sects help in nursing me back to health, I simply can not agree with you. One of those people stuck in that godforsaken cave is my brother in all but blood and name. So please don't tell me what to do when the life of my brother and acquaintance- No! Friend! Is on the line!"

"Lady Qi! Is that how you talk to your Sect Leaders? If so then I might need to have a talk with that old bastard you call grand-master!" Jin Guangshan growled out.

"Now you take that back! My Grand-uncle isn't a bastard! He is the most respectable man you will ever meet! You are nothing compared to him!" Everything seemed to stop at that very moment. Then Jin Guangshan screamed in outrage.

"Listen here you little bitch! You are in my home and this is how you speak to me?!" Madam Jin tried to jump in and stop him from yelling at me but he ignored her and pushed her into the wall and kept yelling without even checking to see if she was alright, "I want you out of my home! Matter of fact I want you out of my city! NOW!" With that he stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Standing on shaky legs I went to help Madam Jin up, only to see pure hatred in her eyes.

"Madam Jin?"

Sorry for all the typos and misspelling you might find in this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Also I really don't know when I'm able to post the next chapter. I ask you guys to be patient until I can get a new laptop and not have to use my sister's laptop, Thank you! 

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