Part 9

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Sorry if there are any mistakes or if it doesn't make any sense, it is currently almost three in the morning but I just had to get this done before I forgot my brilliant idea...well I think it's brilliant because I found a way to make the situation a little more interest than just ruining the wangxian moment in the cave,  am I right?

Weird dreams...

When Wei Wuxian asked why the cave was shaking, people started to shout that it was only him. Those big red eyes that appeared though the water was the only warning we got. Even then those damn Wens decided to try and hurt us before making their escape. "Qi Huang!" 'Ouch! Am I bleeding? Hmm why is everything spinning so fast? Oh, Lan Zhan why do you look so worriiiii-' THUNK!

"A-ya? Baby wake up, mmh, do you plan on sleeping all day" Slowly I opened my eyes. My surroundings look different from the cave, and I seem to be in a bed. "Good morning" Someone on my right side whispered. Their breath brushing against the side of my face. "Did you sleep well?" Tensing up I looked to my right and saw a man laying down next to me.

"Who are you?" The man in question let out a puff of air, almost like he was laughing.

"Don't kid around a-ya" The man mumbled while stroking my check. But that's just the problem, I don't know this man, I can't even see his face, it's all blurred out.

"I'm not joking. Who are you? Where am I?" The man stopped stroking my cheek and let out a worried hum.

"A-ya, I'm your husband. You're in our new home. Yesterday we got married, don't you remember?" Before I could speak the scene changed and I'm now sitting by a window. When I look out the window I just see blurry spaces and figures. Next thing I know there are hands on my shoulders. "A-ya, you shouldn't be up. You're still healing." Turning around I see a figure I recognize as my 'husband'.

"What do you mean? Why would I need to heal? What happened?"

"The disciples said-" 'And what do you know the scene changed again. Is this going to be a recurring thing everytime I'm close to figuring out information? Ah, whatever.'

"Madam! Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked the female voice.

"Oh nobody but an old grandmother my dear. As I was saying, you should stop your husband from working the disciples too hard. He needs to rest. Nothing has been the same since Wei Wuxian died. Ah that boy, he was always causing mischief. He used to be such a bright young boy, but then he just had to resort to such vile ways and on top of that, protect the remaining Wens! Pah! Foolish!" The grandmother paused and started to awkwardly laugh, "Forgive me Madam. I've seemed to have forgotten myself."

"Lady Qi!" Opening my eyes for real this time. I come face to face with none other than Madam Jin.

Can You guys guess who the man in Qi Huang's dream was?

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