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After five days we finally made it to Caiyi Town, it's the closest residence to the Cloud Recesses. It's quite a beautiful place, so lively, so inviting. "Huang, please fix your mask." Uncle whispered to me. I nodded my head while straightening the sides of my beautiful white veil that cover only the bottom half of my face. As we are making our way through the town, to get to Cloud Recesses, people would stop to stare at us. They all held so much curiosity in their eyes. It's quite nerve wracking but I still keep a straight expression. Even though they can only see my eyes, I felt as though they could see into my soul. After getting help from some villagers, we made it to the stairs that lead to Cloud Recesses, and began our climb up. I'm so happy that I took the time to learn the Lan sects rules. Which I must say, the rules are a little absurd because they have around three thousand rules. But they are all pretty easy to follow....for me anyways. When we arrived at the entrance of the sect, my breath was blown away. Everything was so calm and beautiful. A man in white came to greet us, "Xiao Guang my old friend, it's nice to see you again." The man said to my Uncle.

"As it is you my friend." Uncle replied before turning to me. "Qi Huang this is Lan Qiren." He then turned back to his friend and said, "This is my Niece, Qi Huang." I bowed to Lan Qiren while greeting him.

"It's nice to meet you Lan Qiren, thank you for having us." I said while looking right at him. He bowed back at me and smiled.

"It very nice to also meet you Madam Qi, please call me Old master Lan or uncle." He spoke softly. "And thank you for coming, both of you." He motioned for us to follow him. "I hope you like your stay here." As we were walking disciples would stop what their doing and stare at us, well ...mostly me because I'm a girl, and it's rare to see girls here. But that doesn't bother me as I walk with ease. Soon night fell and it was time to retire to our quarters. But my mind is restless. I got up and decided to go for a midnight walk. The air is crisp and the wind plays a melody of the night. The white robe that the Lan sect gave me, flutters behind me as I walk through the moonlight that illuminates its surroundings. I start to tug on my veil as I think of that horrible  night. The night that is a constant nightmare that won't allow me to sleep.  But I also cant sleep because the fact that I found out who my real family is. My mother was Jiao Meilin, and my father was Zhen Lin. They were both known for their kindness and their cultivation. Sure they weren't great cultivators but they were well respected. I also found out I had a brother named Zhen Ju who was twelve years older than me. His mind was plagued with greed. He was considered corrupt and vile. The village where I was born hated him with a passion because he tended to take from those around him. Three years after I was born someone killed my brother. Maybe he deserved it, maybe he didn't. My thoughts are interrupted when a voice behind me announces the arrival of someone, "Excuse me. Your not supposed to be out late, its apart of the sect rules." I turned around to face the voice, and saw a man with a kind smile on his face.

"I apologize, I just though some fresh air would help clear my mind." I said kindly to the man, "I'm Qi Huang." I uttered while bowing. The man copied what I did and introduced himself as Lan Xichen, son of the current sect leader.

"I do suppose fresh air does help clear the mind." Lan Xichen said while standing next to me. He then looked at me and asked, "But Madam Qi, what is on your mind, I can tell it's troubling you greatly." I looked at him and saw that he was generally concerned.

"I'm just thinking about my family." I whispered but he heard me.

"Your family? I don't understand" He whispered back in a voice laced with confusion. I looked back at him and let out a puff of air.

"Of course you dont" I mumbled sadly. I didn't notice tears started to slip out of my eyes until I felt Lan Xichen put his hand on my shoulder.

"Please don't cry. It's true I don't understand, but whatever it is, I'm sure you will figure it out. And if it makes you feel better, you can come to me anytime you want to vent." Lan Xichen said softly as if not to scare me. "And please just call me Lan Huan or brother ...because, I would gladly treat you as my family."

"Then please call me A-Ya." I replied back to him. His smile grew wider as he said.

"Very well A-Ya ...we should probably head to bed." He then took my hand and started to guide me back to my room. "Goodnight" We both bid each other when we reached my room. Lan Huan then turned in the direction of his room and walked off.

The unseen maiden(魔道祖师/Mo Dao Zu Shi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now