Part 8

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                                       The news

Since the competition it's been a couple of months. In that time the Wen clan has proven to be against others. First they started with the Lan clan. Burning the cloud recesses and killing those that lived there. For days the sky was black with the smoke that seemed to come from the never ending fires. We had gotten the news that the Lan's were able to drive the Wen's back, but lost their leader during the fight, also Lan Huan is missing, no one knows where he is, or if he's even alive. I pray for the lives that may be lost in the battle I see to come.

"A-ya...Are you there?" I heard Uncle call me. I walked to the door and opened it enough to peer out at him.

"Is there something wrong?" He had a conflicted look on his face after I asked.

"I think it's better to talk with your parents. Follow me" He led me to the resting area where my parents were playing with my brother A-Xiu and sister A-Ting. "She's here. Do you want to tell her or do you want me to?" Uncle asked my parents.

"It's fine, I will tell her" Mother answered him, then she took my hands in hers and spoke, "My brave girl, I'm sorry. I can't do anything about this....The Wens have requested that each clan send young masters and young ladies to help them find something." Mother wasn't looking me in the eyes anymore, she was looking down in shame.

"I will do it mother...But what are they looking for that requires help from others?" This time father spoke up, "They're looking for an ancient tortoise, I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about. They find that this is a good way to show dominance and....their cowards. They know that they can be killed so instead they will use others." Nodding my head I asked my next question, "Will I be the only one going?"

"YA!!! Who do you think I am if I let you go alone?" I winced as I heard Xi Bai yell.

"Do you really have to yell?" I gushed.

"You know I've been wondering the same thing my whole life, after all, even as a baby she was quite loud." Xi Bao said while coming up next to Xi Bai with Li Wang next to him. Xi Bai elbowed him in the ribs making him be dramatic and act like he was dying.

"Enough children!" Mother called out to us, "You all must get your things ready, you leave in an hour." Her voice was shaky.

"Yes mother" I said while bowing, The Xi siblings and Li Wang copying my actions. Before we knew it an hour had passed and it was time for us to go. We went back to where the competition was held only months earlier.

"Qi Huang! Sister Qi" I turned to face the one that called me to find Wei Wuxian waving his arms in a wild manner. Giving a huff I turned to my three companions.

"We can split up, I'm going to go find brother Lan." Nodding our heads we all went separate ways. It wasn't hard to spot Lan Zhan among the crowd that was gathered. The first thing I noticed was that he seemed to be in pain.

"Brother Lan!" I called out to him when I was closer. He looked up and I could see the stress in his eyes. "Brother, your hurt," I said while bending down to examine his leg. He let me do as I pleased, probably knowing that he didn't have a choice. "You need a healer" I looked up at him and saw fear in his eyes.

"A-ya, what are you doing here? It's not safe." He spoke softly.

"I didn't really have a choice. The Wens told my sect that I must come on this hunt. I think it's because I won the competition and brought shame to the Wen family."

"This has gone too far" He again spoke softly. I got up and put my hands on his shoulders.

"I fear it will only get worse from here.... The tides are heavy on the water, soon the boat will tip too much and water will drown out our hope for a peaceful life." Lan Zhan looked at me shocked.

"You believe there will be a war?" He whispered back. I meekly nodded my head in acknowledgement, "The Wens are already sending threats to my sect....It's just a matter of time before they start a war......The only problem is telling what sect they will wipe out first." I paused and looked him in the eyes, "They already set the Cloud Recess up in flames, but I think that was to act as a warning." I then look over to Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, "I fear for them, I can see the look in Wen Chaos eyes. He's planning something, and it may have something to do with the Jiang Sect." At this I hear Lan Zhan's breath hitch. "Lan Zhan you can't do anything irrational, It can put your sect in even more danger than it already is. Brother.....please be safe, I can't lose you." By the time I was done, I had tears in my eyes and Lan Zhan looked shocked. Silently he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Sister" Lan Zhan hummed out.

"Everybody listen up! You all will be learning the rules of the Wen sect. You must all follow these rules." Wen Chao yelled while servants gave us booklets with the rules in them. "Now let's go!" After a couple hours we were near a river. "Spread out! We must find the cave." Everyone got to work.

"Lan Zhan! You're hurt. Here! Get on my back." I turn around to see Wei Wuxian bending down in front of Lan Zhan, gesturing for him to get on his back.

"Shameless" I wasn't surprised that Lan Zhan said that, but as he turned away I could see his ears turning red. After a while of looking around the screech of Wang whatever her face is, echoed through the air.

"Young Master, I've found it! It took a while but I've found it!" She said while clinging to Wen Chao's arm as if it were her lifeline. Reluctantly everyone started to follow the pair to where the cave is located. In order to get in we had to send ropes down, the cave was dark and cold. Wei Wuxian was holding a touch out in front of him when he hummed. "There's nothing here. It's just a body of water."

"No! It has to be here! Blood! We need to lure it out!"

"Get her!" Wang Lingjiao screeched while pointing at Mianmian. I quickly pulled the girl behind me to get her out of Wang Lingjiao's line of sight. As Wen Chao tried to convince Wang Lingjiao to pick someone else, I could feel the poor girl grabbing the back of my robes. Reaching back I grabbed her hand and started to rub circles on it.

"Alright, grab her!" Thinking quickly I pushed Mianmian in the direction of Lan Zhan and Jin Zixuan. The two immediately stood in front of her, while I stood in front of them. "Lan WangJi, Jin Zixuan, Qi Huang, are you really protecting her? Move out of the way! Get her!" A disciple made a move to get her, when Lan Zhan threw them away. Giving the disciple I recognized as Su She a glare. Soon after a fight broke out, only to end with Wei Wuxian putting a sword to Wen Chao's throat and threatening to kill him if anyone moved. And here's where things get even worse, if that's even possible. First it was a slight movement in the water.

Cliffhanger...... not really...but okay....

Sorry for the long wait but as you can see I am alive and just had writers block, I hope you guys liked this part of the unseen maiden. Sorry for any mistakes, and I hope everyone good health in these tough times.

The unseen maiden(魔道祖师/Mo Dao Zu Shi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now