Sukuna x Megumi - Past Lovers

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I kinda like this ship to be honest? This is just a random idea, but it felt fun in my head :D Imagine Sukuna's motives for focusing on Megumi were a bit different... <3

Q: Do you like Sukuna's character or does he freak you out? Would you rather work for him or Mahito?


"If we were lovers from the past, then that's news to me! I don't find a single part of you attractive!" Megumi shouted, using his special hand position to summon his shikigami.

His words were sharp and critical, typical of the boy. His black hair was messed up, spiking in impossible directions, matted with sweat and blood. Staring at him was a vessel in full use - Yuji Itadori was tucked away and here stood Sukuna, King of Motherflippin Curses. His black marks circled his wrists, his arms, simultaneously splicing his face in pretty inked patterns.

Megumi felt the dull thud of fear in his heart. Sukuna was dangerous, no matter the time of day, no matter the era. The comfort of his black dog beside him was of very little use in pushing aside such fear. Despite Sukuna's explanation of past love, Megumi was afraid and in a state of frustrated disbelief. What the hell did Sukuna hope to gain by messing with his close emotions? What were his intentions?

Still, he was not without bravery. Facing Sukuna felt like a chore, albeit one during which he could surely perish. He had not figured out just yet that Sukuna refused to let him die.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Megumi hissed when the man extended a human claw in his direction.

Sukuna had sauntered forward, indeed close enough to touch Fushiguro. When Megumi glanced down, all he could see was bare skin. Sukuna was wickedly fond of the way the moonlight supposedly caressed bare flesh, thus the naked chest. The sight did nothing to Megumi's senses of manliness - He felt very little stir beneath his consciousness. No love, as far as he knew. Attraction did not become magnified by the glance... But...

At least Sukuna respected his exclamation, letting his hand fall back at his side. His crimson eyes gazed at the sorcerer with the look of a beast. Arrogance in a twisted form rested behind his expression, the type of self-satisfaction that comes with knowing something that the other does not. Megumi was operating without the memories that Sukuna had.

"I suppose I shouldn't have expected you to understand right away...," the cursed spirit said thoughtfully.

He was thinking about Megumi as he knew him all of those years ago. Decades upon centuries, gone, and with them, Fushiguro's previous form. So different, so lovely.

Megumi let out a noise of dismissal as he said, "Oh yeah? What did you want me to do with that information anyways? Run to you with open arms?"

"Not exactly, no. But I thought perhaps... Well, I suppose I was simply wondering how you would react in general. I hadn't thought past that, really."

"Hm. Is this reaction good enough for you?"

"You could try saying thank you for all of the times I saved your ass."

"So that's why you've been doing it."


Sukuna said all of this so casually, like off-handed comments about school or the weather. Looking upward, Megumi noticed for the first time how pleasant a night it actually was. Warmth permeated the dark, just enough to make a comfortable atmosphere for the body. Soft clouds were planted above, but they were light and hid only a few twinkling stars that night.

His mind drifted to the image of a night out with friends. Yuji, Nobara, Zenin, Inumaki, panda, even Gojo. Maybe Gojo. He envisioned a nice hot pot for everyone, sitting around the food and chatting about dumb shit from sun down to sun up. He suddenly craved that more than anything. Even if most of the talking was done by the others.

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