Hai Crazy Motha Fuhkas

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Omf I'm so sorry its been for ever and its my fault!! i just have gotten writers block and i was moving into a new house plus some drama but its all good! Welp here's chapter 7 enjoy
Aqua Demon POV

Shit. Holy fuck! "Hehe hai...nice to see you again but...bye!" I ran as quikely as I said that. I ran out the door. I heard running behind that made me push my legs faster. Holy fuxking shiit!! Heavy breathing is what I'm doing. In through your nose, out of your mouth. I kept running. I think I ran a block and a half till I felt hands around my waist. "Ahh!!" I screamed. I tried to get out of the guys arms. "Fuck! Stop moving damnit!" The guy said.

He dragged me to a building. He put me down. I turned around to see my kidnaper. Fuck...its Party. "Now are you done playing around?" He sassed me. I thought about it for a few secs. I looked behind him and seen a open area. I tried to look like I was bout to answer. I ran. Again. "Fuck!" I heard Party. "Heheh try to get me motha fuhka!" I screamed over my shoulder. Just when I said that I tripped over a mother fucking pebble. A FUCKING PEBBLE!!! "OWEEEEE FUCKING GOD DAMNIT!!" I screamed while hugging my legs. Oweee that fucking hurt!

"It kinda looks like I am going to get you." Party said while standing infront of me with his hands on his hips. "Oh well you know....shut up." I stumbled my words. I feel so embarresed because I tripped over a damn pebble. I mean who fucking does that!! "Okay if you are done having a hissy fit..Im going to take you to our house. We wont do anything bad, I promise." He said while helping me up. I got back on my feet again and decided to let him take me to their house. This is going to be fun... We walked up to the front door and im starting to get nervous.

Holy fucking shit they are plotting to kill me.. I shouldnt have came here. I might have time run off...again. He opened the door and we walked in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Im so sorry its so short but i know you guys deserve at least a filler! So please vote, comment, and add!! Until again.. ---Desiree

The Life Of A Killjoy-A Party Poison/Gerard Way FFWhere stories live. Discover now