Fight On

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We got up to see what Kid was talking about. Dracs are driving towards our hide out. About 3 cars worth of them.

"Guys get ready!" Party shouted. We all went to get our ray guns and masks.

I had my ray which was purple and my mask was black and blue.

"Whats the plan?" Jet asked. We all looked at Party. "We pull an sneak attack. Take them out one by one. Nice and clean."

We all went to our positions. I was behind the car. I was trying to control my breathing. "Korse said she's here." One of the Dracs said. What. He knows?! I looked at them. There was one in front of there car. I walked behind him silently.

I grabbed his head and snapped his neck. I looked around to see five more Dracs surrounding me. Fuck.

I heard ray guns going off in the house. They started closing in. I started shooting. I got a couple down but they seem to have more than we thought.

I was grabbed by the waist. "Let go of me, you piece of shit!" I squirmed in the Dracs arms. They dragged me to their car. My eyes went big. "Party! HELP ME!" I screamed.

I seen Party run out and he looked at me and started shooting. But they surrounded him. I was pushed in the car. The next feeling I had was pain in my head then everything went black.

I opened my eyes. Everything was white. Pain shot through my head. I went to touch my head but my hands and feet were tied down. "Let me out!" I demanded.

One of Korses minions walked in and started checking me. "Hey what's that?" He walked towards me with an needle. He put it in my arm. "Its just something to help you relax." Is all he said.

He untied my and picked me up. I couldn't move. He carried me down to a room that had a tv and chair in front of it. He put me in the chair and bounded my hands and feet to it. Then he walked out.

"Okay Aqua pay attention to the tv in front of you." A voice said through the intercom. I looked at the tv.

Its started playing stuff about the B/L. How its for the good.

After an hour through the torture it was done. I was dragged down an long hallway. Omg. We stopped at two big doors. There was two Dracs gaurding it. They nodded at the Drac that was pushing me around. We entered it and we went up some stairs to this room.

There sat in the big chair was Korse. My ex boyfriends dad. "Hello Aqua nice to see you again. We have so much to discuss." He smiled at me.
There it is!! Hope you enjoyed! Until again ---Desiree

The Life Of A Killjoy-A Party Poison/Gerard Way FFWhere stories live. Discover now