Well That Went Down Hill.

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Heya guys its me Desiree, the one and not only. I'm starting to get anxious to get the good parts! The beginning I know is really slow and boring but its part of the journey. Well anyways ENJOY!
Aque Demon POV
2 years earlier

I was walking down the hall with Kevin. Kevin is my boyfriend for 3yrs. Its been great-ish. We have our moments but that's all couples. The walls were like really white and the lighting is bright. Everything was white. The employees. Floor. Ceiling. Everything. We were walking to a big corridor. We both looked at each other. "You fuck this up I'll make sure you won't walk for a week! Got it!" Kevin said while staring down on me. "Uhh yeah I understand." I sturtted. "I understand what?" He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

My toes were barely touching the ground. "I understand, sir." I said trimberling. He slammed me down. "That's what I thought " He dusted himself off. "You got my clothes wrinklied, you useless bitch!" He slapped me across the face. I just craddled my face and coward down. "I'm-im SO sorry Kev! I'll make it up to you I PROMISE!" I pleaded.

"Whatever I don't have time for your whinning." He stated while opening the big white doors. We walked in and stopped in front of a big chair which was sat on a powerful guy. We bowed and stood straight. "Um hello uh dad." I looked down. "Hello son." The guy said.
Well ain't that a cliffhanger. I think...idek! Anyways hoped you enjoy, please vote, comment! Until again. ---Desiree

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