Sometimes Shit Happens.

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Haya guys I realized I shouldn't worry about how many people read my book. I love writing so I'm going to keep writing! Thanks to the people who are sticking around, I appreciate it. Well I've been dragged into the Supernatural fandom and I'm in love! Hehe that's part of the reason why I haven't been updating. !!!!TRIGGER WARNING!!!!Welp anyways ENJOY!
                  Aqua Demon POV
        5 years earlier.

I was standing in my bathroom looking at myself thinking about how pathetic I am. My eyes are black and one is completely swollen shut. My chapped, cracked lips is busted. Dry blood on my nose. I'm standing in my underwear with bruises covering my body. I deserved it. I brought it to myself. I have no one else to blame but myself. He was only doing what was right. I closed my eyes remembering the pain. White, hot, boiling pain.

I opened my eyes and opened the drawer. I grab the one thing to help me to make sure I was alive. My razor. I never cut my arms for obvious reasons. But I cut my thighs and my hips. I climbed in the tub and turned on the shower. I sat there for a while with the razor in my hand. Thinking. I was just thinking. I know I shouldn't do it but its hard to stop once you start. I see flashes of my boyfriend yelling at me, telling me I should do it.

Its what's I deserve. I look at my razor and I cut my thigh little by little for the pain. I make it unbearable to stand. I grabbed a towel and a rag. I put the rag in my mouth so I wouldn't scream to loud. I kept slicing my thight till all I seen is red. The pain is welcoming. Its telling me I'm still alive. I deserve this.

I've been in the bathroom for about an hour. I got up washed my cuts and put on my night clothes. I walked out of the bathroom as if nothing happened. I kissed my mom and dad goodnight and went to my room. I climbed in bed and prayed to God that I won't die in my sleep for if I do I won't forgive myself.

He would know I did it to get out of it and he would still somehow torment me about how much of a coward I am to kill myself. As of cue I feel into a deep dark sleep.
So that's a chapter. What a downer. But I needed you guys to see a small glimpse of her past to understand some of her
actions in the book. There will be more flashbacks later on. Until again ---Desiree

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