Shoot A Monkey.

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Heya guys im back..can u guys start voting if u think the book is good to let me know if I should keep doing this?? Pls and thank you!
Aqua Demon POV
I swear to fucking god if u stop at this house...."What do u guys think about the new girl?" Kobra said while getting out of the car. Fuck me in the ass!! "I really don't know, but she is up to something that's for sure." Fun mentioned while looking around while slowly walking closer to the house I'm in. I slowly walked around the house to find a place to hide.

I looked in the bedrooms, nothing much there to hide. I went to the kitchen and there was a cupboard big enough for me to squeeze in it and hide until they go away. I heard the skweaky door open. Fuck! I hurried into the cupboard. "The way she looked at us was kinda weird though." Jet said. "I don't know man, let's just stay here for the night but let's check the place first." Party said.

Omg I'm going to die. They know something. If they see me they will surely kill me. Stuff was being moved upstairs. "Nothing or no one is up here Party!" Kobra said. "Okay then, go look down stairs!" Party ordered. Damn some one is on their time of month. I hear steps coming into the kitchen. My heart is beating faster now. Fahk fahk fahk fahk faaaaghghkkk!!!!! They were moving around the room. I covered my mouth with both of my hands. They are standing in front of my hiding place. I closed my eyes praying they would just walk away and say they didn't find anything.

But of course my luck my bad ankle moved and I silently screamed but apperently not quite enough. They were so close to walking away. I heard them opening cabinets. They were getting close to mine. This is it. I'm over with. Nice knowing you. One of them opened it. "AHA!! I knew I heard something!" Party said while grabbing my hand and yanking me out. "Ouch! Damn it watch it! I'm a injured women here!" I screamed. Party practerly dragged me into the living room. "Now we found you, start talking." Party demanded. "Umm okai hi, how's life? Mine was amazing until I was rudely dragged out with a possible broken ankle!" I said. Yep that's right I'm going to be the smart ass.

Apparently Party don't like those people because I was grabbed by the throat. "Now when I ask a question u better tell the truth or so help me god this will be the worst time of ur life!" Party spat at my face while casually choking me. "Okai just please stop choking me!!?" I screamed. He dropped me and I landed on my ass. "Okai let's start, where are u from?" Party asked while getting really close to my face. "Ummm ..... I'm from.."

Whew!! I hope this is a good one! Comment and vote!! Until again.

The Life Of A Killjoy-A Party Poison/Gerard Way FFWhere stories live. Discover now