Oh Hello...shit.

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Omgg its been forever!!I'm so sorry! But holy shit 157 READS WTF!!?? I'm so grateful like you guys actually like my story! Welp anyways ENJOY!
Aqua Demon POV

Well fuck me... I decided to run away from The Fabulous Four and didn't come up with a plan...I'm stuck in the middle of a desert. To add more things into my 'wonderful' life, I seen the Better Living Industry guys. I think they are trying to find me. So I'm walking in the desert..alone..no food...or water...I'm so fucked.

I kept replying what happened with me and Party in my head. I come to the conclusion that he is a dick. I know for a fact they are looking for me. I keep on walking and walking and walking and walking... Holy fucking shit pancakes!! The guys are here!?!
I came up to an area that looks deserted but with a few people. I was thinking about turning around and run but I don't have anything for me to survive out there. I feel like a baby. I'm just going to do my best on my ninja skills. I slide by a bush and looked up to see the guys getting out of the car. I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying but I have a good feeling its about me.

I'm cringing slightly because they are kinda walking towards my bush. I don't want them to come to the bush because it's my bush and I don't share with people. There was a wood house that got torn down but there is huge piece of wood there for me to hide behind. It was a good running distance. Its my only chance. I started looking to see if they are looking and they aren't. I take a deep breath in and fucking run like I never ran before. I made to the piece of wood, I crouched behind the wood and looked at the bush I was just behind and they decided not to even to check it out. What the fuck!! I

just ran for nothing. I'm slightly pissed off. Just a little bit. I could make out a few words here and there. "Where....she...is?" Fun asked. "I don't know...she...dead...I...her!" Party explained. Well fine then. "....let's...out of here!" Jet demanded. Pleaasseeee just go AWAY!!!They walked around a bit, and they went in there car thingy and drove off. WHEWWWWW!! So close! I got out of my crouching position and stretched. I made a noise that sounded like a dying whale! Erhh I hope nobody heard that!

I walked around, checking things out. "Erhh HEY MISS!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE!!" Some person shouted behind me. I turned around to see a lady, in her late twenties. She had brown hair with blonde highlights, brown eyes, average height, and pretty slim. "Uhhh just you know walking around..." I said. "No I don't know. Why in the world are you walking alone?" She asked. "Umm because I feel like it..." Why is she asking me so many questions?!? "Why don't you come with me and I'll get you some water and 'food." She gestures towards a beaten up car.

Me being me I followed. IM SORRY!! I'M JUST REALLY HUNGRY AND I NEED H2O!!! We walked to her car and got in. We really didn't talk. We just drove to a cave looking thing. She stopped the car and got out. "Well follow me and I'll get you something." She walked to the entrance. I jogged up to her and walked in. The place was kinda dirty but it was nice.

We got to what seemed like the living area. They had some pretty bad beaten up couches. A table with food cans on it. There was people sitting on it. The couch was facing away from us, so they didn't know we walked in. "Hey guys I brought someone." The lady said. They got up and turned around. Fuk me. Fuck me so bad. Its them. The Fabulous Four. The faces they made was kinda funny. "Ohh hello..." I said. Shit.

Heheh hope it was good! Vote!! And I'll try to update more often but school and homework it's going to be hard but I'll do it! Anyways until again.

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