Holy Fuck. Kill Me.

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Heheh hai its me again omf I know my chapters are short but they will ge.t graderly longer! Anyways enjoy!
                  Aqua Demon POV

Omg it can't be! Please tell me I'm fucking dreaming! "Um hello I said where are you from?" Fun asked. Oh fuck what do I say?! "A place in America..." I just really didn't want to say or other wise they would know who I am. "Oh your going to be secretive aren't you? Should've known." Party stated.
"Well look at the time I must be going!" I said while looking at my 'watch'. I quikely got up and sprinted out the door. "Whew!! That was a close one!" I said while I ran down the road. I can't believe I didn't notice before! How fucking dumb of me, I should've known they would look for me! I just kept walking till it came completely dark and when I could hear the animals of night started making noises.

I saw a abanded house or at least that's what it looked like. It was a traditional house but it was broken into and the wood is rotten. I went up the steps when next thing I know my face was being kissed by the fucking ground. "Owe!! Fucking damn it!! Shoot a fucking monkey!!!" I screamed. My ankel was twisted in a odd angle. "Fuck I think its broken. Bad fucking timing to fuck with me, life!" Oh my god. I heard a car driving very close nearby. I quickly stood up and ran into the house, well actually limped there.

I hid behind the door and looked through the peep hole. Fuck me in the ass!! Its them! The fabulous four!


Hehe how was that I hope it was good!! Anyways until again


The Life Of A Killjoy-A Party Poison/Gerard Way FFWhere stories live. Discover now