Veiled Promises

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I know I won't be enough

Be enough, ever, for you

But I swear to always lend an ear

To every rant of yours

Even if everyone leaves you behind

I promise to always hold your hand

'coz you have my heart captivated

Ever since my eyes fell upon yours

I understand your apprehensions 

As virtual friendships are hard to keep

But believe me, companionship

Can break all barriers and survive

If both sides are willing for it

Life might have been unfair to you

But it doesn't mean you should give up on it

Challenges should be taken head-on

With a heart full of bravery

There might be an ounce of fear in it

But it should never be crowded with cowardice

It's better to hold a person in real

Rather than virtually

But in the situation we are in

There doesn't seem to be any other alternative

But I promise to always be beside you

And you can always count on me

To comfort you and understand your thoughts

For you seem to be an unexplored horizon

The secrets of which I'd like to discover

And break the walls that surround you

To bring out and cherish the REAL you









Be kind and understanding. In these difficult times, that's all we need.

All the love.

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