The Final Wait

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The final wait

Years passed.....

As I waited for you,

To come back and

Hold my hands and

Soothe me,

Just as you did

Years and years forth.

The sapling we had planted,

Grew into a big tree;

Became a home for birds,

But you never came back.

The paints ripped off,

From the room we....

Had spent our childhood in;

The doors became creaky,

The window-panes were broken,

But, you never looked back.

The park where we

Used to play basketball

In our teens,

Was recently changed to a mall;

But, you never returned.

People changed,

Society changed,

The environment changed;

As I waited on and on.....

Only for you to return.

Now in my death-bed,

With no news from you;

I continue to wait for you.

I search for you in all

The faces I see,

But I don't find you

For you're lost away from me.

Nonetheless, I'll wait for you

For ages and ages hence;

Defying life and death,

For you to come back to me,

To start a new journey of life,

Holding each other's hands, Forever.

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