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I wish I could only run away

From the shit I find myself drowning in

To a place where they say

Life is happier than it has ever been

Where I'd be able to be a bird who's freed

Where my thoughts would be able to run without censorship

Where nobody would be judged upon caste or creed

Where conversations would be thoughtful and deep

I hope I can reach that "NeVErLanD" someday

That is the only thing these days I pray

To that utopian world where all are filled with tranquility

The world where none is judged about their sexuality

The place where everyone can choose their dreams

The world which isn't oblivious to humanity

I wish to run away to that reality

Where things are as easy as they seem to be

Where I won't have to give a shit to studies

Where I will never be judged upon the grades I receive

Where my smile will reach up to the eyes

Where I'd love my partner without the fear of spies

The world which would be all-encompassing

The world which would never be judging

I hope there's a place where my fears would come at rest

Where happiness can be achieved without haste





T. P. W. K.

Love, Kris

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