Over Again

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It's a bliss to think of

The moments we spent

With each other;

Those soft touches,

The light rub of shoulders,

The secret stares....

The moments we spent

Holding each other's hands,

Resting our heads

On each other's shoulders;

Looking into each other's eyes,

Connecting hearts, being

In love and feeling loved.

The glow that we had on our faces,

On seeing each other;

The glow that was enough to make,

The earth bright as a star.

The smile that crossed your face

On seeing me each morning;

The smile that sent goose bumps,

All over my skin.

Is it so easy to

Forget those moments?

The ones spent

With your first love?

Is it so easy

To forget your first kiss;

I guess not.....

"First love is a nightmare

That haunts you till you die.."

Is it so tough to forgive,

And start a new future?

Is it so bad to revive those old memories,

From the reverie

Of the "Past"....

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