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A loud scream tore apart the entire sky,

but, the barbarians did not stop...

It seemed to provoke and encourage them more;

to continue with their ghastly deed,

FASTER and a lot more painful.....

After their desires were satiated,

they threw away the pound of flesh...

And after another bout of drinking.....

Decided to set her aflame.

The little life that ebbed in her body,

slowly crept away.

As the bloody pound of flesh,

became a handful of ash;

A life of 15 years....

was cut short by a tragic incident....

And the next day,

it was time for another body;

to lose it's identity...and, 

become a blink-and-miss rape case....

The cycle thus continued with haste,

with the Earth's daughters being raped, assaulted and molested everyday,

while she shedded silent tears in a corner of the universe...

and her sons continued to exploit her daughters....

in front of her own eyes!!!


So, that's a poem I wrote without any second thoughts, without sparing a moment to edit what I wrote. This piece expresses my inner thoughts and emotions in an extremely raw and organic manner. Do tell me how it is :):

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