Beauty at the Horizon

18 2 1

She lives half way across the world
But her warmth still touches my heart
While the sun rises at her place
Here, it turns dark.

Hey moon! Can you show her beauty to me
While she sleeps, her eyes closed
A smile spread across her lips
Can you show me her reflection
While she twists and turns on her bed
A tear or two escaping her eyes
Coz she had a bad day

Oh sun! Can you convey my warmth to her
Wrap your sunshine around her body
So she she feels I'm with her

I wish the stars could take my dreams to her
Make her see that she lives with me
In my dreams, coz she's so afar
She lives in my dreams with me
And i feel myself get closer to her
Closer, every single day

Wish I could really meet her someday
Hold her body, caress her soul
And ask, if she'd let me be hers
Even if it's just for a day.



Naming courtesy: HCOONa Matata

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