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We try to forget the past

But it lasts, sometimes reopens the scars

Stealing every single breathe from us

It leaves the pain, takes the happiness

Leaving us in a maze of distrust

It's just a matter of time 

Before the hearts collapse

But neither of us plan to lay victim

Nor plan to win the war

Maybe that's 'coz we are terrified of what we want

Maybe that's 'coz we are living in a sin

Maybe that's 'coz you plan to give up

And I plan to fight till my last breathe

You give in to the threats around us

While I refuse to be pulled into the quicksand

You leave me amidst a storm of hate

Where there's nobody to show me the way

To hold my hand and whisper in my ears

That, "courage has to outweigh fear"

I feel the judgements closing in

I spiral into a web of self-hatred

But even though you know

You never come back to help

Losing my sense in the blackhole of rage

I became inhumane

I lost myself that day,

In the altar of self-harm and hatred

Thus the heart that was so full of love

Got dealt a bad hand

The past still scares me now

Especially when you come back





Treat people with kindness, Always

Love, K

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