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A dimpled cheek and pimply face

Big eyes with a goofy smile

Deep philosophies wrapped in cryptic notes

Loud voice with clear thoughts

Opinions that matter a lot

Analytic skills and thoughtful words

I-don't-care attitude with a loving heart

That pretty much sums her up!!

Being independent and an ambivert

She has an alter ego whom she can't stand

Expressive words under a fake laugh

She has put walls around her

With an almost impregnable wall around her

She is so near yet so far

Eloquence and knowledge of stuff

That's where her strong points are

With a broken heart and a damaged soul

She can't trust to get much real ya know

Lonely days and painful nights

Still holding on amidst immense suffering

Shady past, uneven present and uncertain future

She's the epitome of complexities

Yet when she flashes a smile

You don't know what's going on in her mind

She might seem a flirt

But deep down, she's romantic at heart

With a playful heart and a thoughtful brain;

She is here to stay.







So.. this poem is kinda self-describing and self-decoding piece. Through this poem I tried to bring out the facets of the inner me, the "real" me in front of the world. I tried to put out my insecurities and complexities, my expectations and heartbreaks, basically the whole existential crisis and early adulthood problems I'm facing. And now, I feel liberated.




Thanks for your patience.

Love, K

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