Don't Let Go

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A broken soul is like a shattered vase,
Fragile and delicate, in need of repair.
But do not despair, dear broken soul,
For the cracks and fractures are just a part of the whole.

They are a testament to the struggles you have faced,
The battles you have fought, the tears you have traced.
They are a reminder of your strength and your will,
The courage you have shown, the trials you have spilled.

So take heart, dear broken soul,
For you are not alone.
There are others who have walked in your shoes,
And found the courage to mend and to choose.

To choose to heal and to grow,
To let go of the pain and let the light show.
For in the darkest of times,
There is always a glimmer of hope that shines.

So hold on tight, dear broken soul,
And don't let go.
For the road to healing may be long,
But it is worth it, for it is your song.

Your song of triumph and resilience,
Of beauty and grace, of strength and persistence.
So lift up your head, dear broken soul,
And let your light unfold.


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