2 ~ New Team

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Kageyama made it to school just as the bell was ringing, despite him leaving his house so early. Hinata idiot he thought to himself angry that he missed the chance to introduce himself to the volleyball team before school.

Kageyama then hurried to class where he sat through a really boring lecture. He tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but his mind kept wandering back to the orange haired boy.

If he is my age, then where was he going this early in the morning? Why was he on his way to Karasuno if he doesn't even go here? And why was he so sad when he said he doesn't attend Karasuno, if he is obsessed with volleyball then Karasuno shouldn't be his first choice of schools.

Kageyama thought about the boy, and the more he thought, the more frustrated he became. His mind kept settling on one particular question.

Why was he so shocked when I knocked him over? Was it because I yelled at him maybe? No I don't think that is it, he seemed so unfased by my annoyance toward him later on. Then why?

He kept thinking and almost completely missed the bell signaling lunch. Kageyama decided to push Hinata off his mind. It didn't matter anyways, not like he would ever see him again.

He stomped down the stairs and found a vending machine where he quickly punched in the numbers to buy a milk carton.

While he was standing at the machine, he could hear two voices talking from around the corner. He really didn't care about other peoples conversations so he went to leave when he heard one say volleyball.

That might be my future teammates, I should introduce myself.

But before Kageyama stepped around the corner to say hi, he overheard what they were saying.

"I heard that the king of the court is going here" the first voice said.

"King of the court?" the other questioned.

"Yeah a complete tyrant. He is no good for a team, his team even rebelled against him refusing to spike his sets. Last year he was the reason they didn't win. They would have been better off without him." the first voice responded.

"Oh" the other said not adding much to the conversation. But then the first started talking again.

"I really hope he learned his place and doesn't try to drag down another team." At this Kageyama balled his hands into fists.

The other snickered then spoke "maybe you are being a little harsh Tsuki. He might have changed." This voice sounded a lot more timid.

Kageyama wanted to punch the face that belonged to the first voice. He planned to be careful not to hurt his hands though, since he needed to use his hands to set. As Kageyama peered around the corner he saw two boys walking away from him.

One was around his height with greenish brown hair. The other was walking slightly ahead, he was really tall with blonde hair and looked like he was wearing glasses but it was hard to tell from behind.

Based on the way the tall boy carried himself in a more confident matter, Kageyama guessed that he was the first speaker. Kageyama was unsure which year these two were in, so he stopped himself from punching the guy. For all Kageyama knew, he could even be the captain.

Damn I wish I hadn't run into that boy this morning. Then I would have been early enough to meet the captain.

At that moment something caught Kageyamas eye from the side. There was the short orange haired boy poking out from behind the tree.

Why was he even here?

"Hinata" Kageyama shouted startling the boy. Hinata nearly fell over after hearing his name. He was clearly shocked.

"What are you doing here?" Kageyama yelled. Hinata jumped again. "Shhh Kageyama" he said looking around. Kageyama looked around as well seeing that there were several eyes staring at him.

"Fine. Aren't you in high school, so shouldn't you be there? Or did you lie to me about going to Karasuno?" Kageyama asked still with his voice raised but this time he wasn't yelling.

"Um. Well...you see..." Hinata stumbled on his words. Kageyama raised an eyebrow unamused.

What is this guys problem? he thought to himself.

"My high school doesn't start until next week" Hinata said quickly smiling brightly. At that moment the bell rang.

"Whatever" Kageyama mumbled as he walked away towards his class.

The rest of his day went by fairly fast and uneventful. As the class was getting closer to finishing, Kageyama was having a hard time staying awake. He was beginning to wish he had gotten more sleep. Then the bell rang and Kageyama was free to go.

He picked up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. At that moment he realized that he didn't have his volleyball anymore.

Where did it go? When did I even lose it?

Kageyama was a bit angry by this but he put it out of his mind as he found his way to the gym doors. He walked in, greeted by a few people.

One was brown haired with a serious look, the second had grey hair and a big smile, and the third had a shaved head and a look on his face that Kageyama could only describe as stupid. Kageyama took a deep breath and walked inside the gym. "I am Tobio Kageyama. I was a setter at Kitagawa" he said in a clear voice as he bowed down respectfully.

"We saw you play last year and were very pleased with your performance, I'm surprised you chose this school though" the brown haired boy said. "I'm Daichi" he added. "This is Sugawara" he said pointing to the smiling grey haired boy who waved at Kageyama "and that is Tanaka" Daichi said gesturing towards the boy with a buzz cut.

"So you are the captain then?" Kageyama guessed based off his formality and him being the one introducing everyone.

"That is correct" Daichi said. Then Tanaka jumped into the conversation with a loud voice "so how tall are you?"

"Six foot" Kageyama answers quickly. Since there were so few of them Kageyama was able to practice along with them, even though he didn't actually have an official spot on the roster.

The practice went quick, and Kageyama was thankful that none of them mentioned him being the king of the court. When the practice was over Kageyama wasn't quite satisfied, his sets weren't syncing quite the way he wanted them to with the other team members.

He began his journey up the hill frustrated that he had lost his volleyball.

How was he going to practice now?

He continued on with a quickening pace hoping to get home early so he could maybe buy a new volleyball.

As Long As You Need Me ~ Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now