3 ~ Lonely

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Kageyama was about halfway up the hill when he heard a familiar annoying voice behind him. "Wait up Kageyama" he turned to see that orange haired boy again.

"Are you following me?" Kageyama harshly asked. At this sudden burst Hinata jumped back a little.

"Um no. I actually wanted to return this. I borrowed it earlier, I didn't think you would mind since you had school anyways. Plus I really wanted to practice some volleyball" Hinata was holding out a volleyball apologetically.

Kageyama scowled but took the ball anyways. He continued walking up the hill and Hinata jogged for a minute to catch up. Kageyama ignored Hinata pretending he wasn't there.

Hinata suddenly jumped right in front of Kageyama blocking his path. "What?" Kageyama demanded, not in the mood to talk to Hinata.

"Would you please set for me?" Hinata asked. Kageyama rolled his eyes, "no, you couldn't hit my sets anyways" he said pushing Hinata to the side to continue his walk.

"Please" Hinata begged "just let me try. I know this place just at a clearing in that forest over there, it is perfect for practicing" Hinata said pointing at a small forest just past the bottom of the hill. He sounded like a child wanting their parents to buy them a toy from the store.

"Why don't you go get some of your friends to set for you" Kageyama said trying to keep his voice calm.

"I can't. Just set for me for a little bit, please" he begged again. Kageyama sighed "no" he said again, beginning to lose his temper "why can't you just bother ANYONE ELSE?" Kageyama yelled.

"I CAN'T. PLEASE JUST SET FOR ME" Hinata yelled back. This was the first time Kageyama had seen Hinata show a bit of anger. At this Kageyama lost it and shoved the other boy to the ground. "Please, just leave me alone" he said as he walked past Hinata, who was on the ground rubbing his knee. Kageyama continued to walk to his house. He felt a bit of a guilt building up in his stomach.

Maybe I shouldn't have pushed him.

He didn't actually know why he was so against sending Hinata a set, but he was just too stubborn to give in now.

Just push him off your mind. Practice, you got your ball so practice.

Yet every time Kageyama hit the ball against the wall he felt even more guilt. He convinced himself it didn't matter, he would probably never see Hinata again, his school would start and he would find someone else to annoy.

Kageyama went to sleep early that night, but his mind wasn't thinking about volleyball like usual though. It was set on a short orange haired boy whose eyes light up at the mention of volleyball. Kageyama rolled in his sleep. Why did he have to bother me of all people?

He made a decision that if he saw Hinata the next day he would simply apologize and then he could move on and not have to worry about the short orange haired boy ever again. Hinata had said that his school starts up next week, so Kageyama was sure that he would be back to bother him some more the next day. He got up a little earlier than he usually would in the morning.

Kageyama stuffed his face with two pieces of toast before packing his bag and heading off to school. Without realizing it, Kageyama walked at a slow pace going down the hill. When he realized that he was going slow he figured that he was subconsciously waiting for the short boy to catch up. He stopped on the hill, waiting there. He waited for five minutes...ten minutes....fifteen. He looked around confused.

Of course the one time I actually want him to show up he is nowhere.

After waiting a half an hour Kageyama decided that he would see him after practice like the day before. He hurried to school. Just like the day before his classes dragged on.

Each subject felt like it would take an eternity. When lunch rolled around Kageyama went to buy a carton of milk. He couldn't help but glance over at the place where he found Hinata hiding just the day before. But it was just a tree, no one else around it.

"Why should I even care" he said under his breath "it's better this way anyways" he sighed.

His classes after lunch dragged on as well, even practice after school took a long time. Usually Kageyama loved practice and it would fly by. But right now he was hoping to be bothered by a short orange haired boy as he walked home.

Once he was free to leave he slowly walked home. But he was met by no one on his way home. Kageyama was frustrated as he practiced against the wall.

I really don't even care anyways. He was irritating and I wanted him to leave me alone. It was his fault for not dropping the whole situation anyways.

Frustrated he spiked the ball against the wall. Kageyama decided to just stop practice for the night and go inside.

The rest of his week was very uneventful. Each day he left for school early but ran into no one. After schools he would walk home when he was finished practice but his walks were lonely. It wasn't until Wednesday of the following week that his routine changed.

As Long As You Need Me ~ Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now