10 ~ Invitation

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It had been a week since Hinata and Kageyama had sat under the stars talking. Kageyama had been busy with volleyball, he barely had any time to see Hinata at all, and the little time he did have he was usually too exhausted to set to Hinata, despite all his whining.

The tournament had started already. Karasuno had just fought in a tough match but ended victorious against Abajo Sai. It was mid afternoon when the team made it back from their match. The team was sent home, instructed to take it easy before their match the next morning against Shiratorizawa.

Kageyama went home expecting to find an excited Hinata sitting on his porch. But to his surprise Hinata wasn't there.

The one time I come home really happy you aren't here to bother me, Kageyama sighed finding it ironic.

He hopped on his bike and headed to the hill. When he made it down the hill, a much easier landing than last time, he parked his bike and headed into the forest.

He made it to that rope net. But Hinata wasn't there either.

Damn Hinata, you really do know the best times to disappear.

He biked back up the hill, headed to the only other possible spot Hinata could be. Parking his bike outside Hinatas house he saw the orange haired boy there. He was laying on the front porch swing, volleying the old beat up ball.

"Hinata!" Kageyama called out from the sidewalk. This startled the smaller boy causing him to drop the ball on his face.

He sat up and picked up the ball. Then out of nowhere he had a smile that stretched across his entire face.

"Kageyama you're back!" he yelled leaping off the step.

"How did it go!? Did you win? Are you going to nationals? Were the other teams really good?" Hinata attacked Kageyama with questions as he got closer.

"Well, they were really good" Kageyama began as the two of them walked down the sidewalk together.

"We made it to the finals, we only have the powerhouse school Shiratorizawa left to beat. That match will be tomorrow though." Kageyama began talking about his matches as Hinata listened intently.

Without meaning to, they walked down the hill to the edge of the forest where they had laid under the stars nights ago.

"Kageyama, can you please set for me?" Hinata asked holding out his volleyball.

"Not today. I'm supposed to take it easy before the big game tomorrow" Kageyama replied. Hinata pouted but didn't push.

"Hinata, can you come watch my game tomorrow?" Kageyama asked. It was a shock to Hinata, this was the first time Kageyama had ever invited him to see a game.

Hinata thought for a moment. "Tomorrow, October 27th?" he asked.

"Yeah" Kageyama said, he had expected Hinata to respond with an excited yes.

Hinata smiled "I'll be there!" he said. With that Kageyama smiled back.

"You know, you're usually so mean. It's kind of scary to see you smile Kageyama" Hinata said. This caused Kageyama to angerly kick Hinata in the back, making Hinata to complain.

It was getting late. "Do you want to stay at my house tonight?" Kageyama asked causing Hinata to smile and nod.

"We can't stay up though, and I'm going to be driving with my team tomorrow so I will have to meet you at the court." Kageyama added. But Hinata didn't mind any of that.

"That's okay, I have something I have to do tomorrow morning before coming anyways" Hinata said. This made Kageyama curious but he didn't say anything.

That night Kageyama set out the sleeping bag like always. But this time Hinata pouted.

"Can I go in your bed with you? I promise I won't kick. It's just so uncomfortable on the ground" Hinata pleaded.

"No" Kageyama said. But after Hinata begged for a bit Kageyama reluctantly made space for Hinata. "You're annoying" he mumbled under his breath.

Hinata cuddled into the blankets. "Kageyama, I know you have to sleep. But I have one question before you do" Hinata said.

"What?" Kageyama asked.

"Do you think that I am good enough to be an ace yet?" Hinata asked.

Kageyama took a minute to think before answering. "I think that you still need some work, but one day you will make a great ace" Kageyama answered honestly.

Hinata was pleased with Kageyamas answer so he cuddled in even more and closed his eyes. Kageyama couldn't sleep for a long time, he didn't know if it was because he was nervous for the game or if it was because Hinata was curled up against his back.

He glanced over at the sleeping Hinata. He looked so peaceful there. It was hard to believe that someone so hyper could look so calm. Kageyama then whispered into the darkness. "Thank you, you really were there when I needed you" at that he rolled over and fell asleep after another twenty minutes or so.

The next morning was a challenge. Kageyama was a complete wreck with nerves. Hinata did his best to calm him down. The two stepped outside onto the front step after racing to finish their eggs.

"Wow it really is bright out today, the light looks so pretty though" Hinata said squinting his eyes at the sky.

"What are you talking about, it's cloudy and gross" Kageyama said looking over at Hinata.

"So uh, what time is your bus?" Hinata asked.

"Around 8:30AM" Kageyama replied. Hinata smiled at that.

"Do you think you could set for me one last time while we wait for the bus?" Hinata asked smiling brightly at Kageyama.

"No way, I need to save my energy for the game. I can always set for you another time" Kageyama said. Once again Hinata pouted but he didn't push it.

Shortly after that Kageyama left to catch the bus. As Hinata waved he yelled "I'll be there so don't you dare mess up because I know you can win this!" Hinata had a big smile and gave Kageyama a thumbs up.

As Kageyama walked away Hinata had said something else, but he couldn't quite make out the words. He just shook his head and figured if it was important Hinata would probably end up telling him a thousand more times anyways.

As Kageyama sat on the bus, he toned out the rest of his teammates. But then something else popped into his head.

"Do you think you could set for me one last time while we wait for the bus?"

He was sure that's what Hinata had said. He didn't catch onto it at the time but now thinking about it. Why did he use the word 'last'? There were going to be more opportunities to practice together.

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