12 ~ Article

105 3 1

Kageyama intensely sent one more set. This is it, he knew it was. The set had the perfect height and distance. For a moment Kageyama thought he saw Hinata up in the air ready to spike. Then the hallucination went away and he realized it was just Tanaka.

Tanaka slammed the ball down. Shiratorizawa was unable to retrieve it. At that moment everything was silent, until the whistle was blown and cheers came from every direction.

Kageyama could feel himself smiling. It was a Hinata type smile where it reached from one side of his face all the way to the other side of his face. He looked up excited to see Hinata cheering.

Only when he did, Hinata wasn't in the same spot he was before. He searched the crowd for the small boy, but couldn't see him anywhere. At that moment Kageyama found himself wrapped in a hug with the rest of his team.

He could no longer see the crowd. Shaking his head he decided that he just couldn't see Hinata. He planned on yelling at him when he finally did find him. The team got their metals with some more cheers.

Kageyama was going to nationals! He was excited and exhausted all at the same time. He desperately tried to find Hinata in the crowd after the game but was unsuccessful. He decided to just get on the bus with the rest of the team and he could yell at Hinata when he got home.

He stepped outside with the team to board the bus. When he got out, he was greeted with a burst of sunlight.

Wow Hinata was right. It is really bright out today, Kageyama thought to himself.

When the bus arrived back at the school. There were students and teachers there cheering them on. As soon as he was free to go Kageyama hurried home. Hinata wasn't sitting there on his step though.

He ran down the hill to check the forest, he didn't see Hinata there either. Kageyama had a really bad feeling in his gut and he had no idea why.

At a fast jog Kageyama made his way up the hill to Hinatas house. Hinata wasn't on the step. Kageyama made his way up the steps. He had never met Hinatas parents before so he silently hoped that Hinata would be the one to answer the door as he knocked.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Hinata. It was a short middle aged woman with straight brown hair.

"Yes?" she said a little shocked to see a sixteen year old boy standing on her step.

"Hello, my name is Kageyama Tobio" he began, bowing his head as a greeting "I was hoping I could speak to Hinata Shoyo, if he's not busy?" Kageyama asked politely.

The woman gave him a confused look "I've never heard of a Shoyo Hinata" she said confused. This left Kageyama confused.

"He is a short sixteen year old boy with orange hair, who never stops talking. He lives here, doesn't he?" Kageyama asked still confused. He knew he was at the right house.

"I've lived here alone with my husband for the past seven years. We've never had children. I really don't know who you are talking about" she answered awkwardly standing at the door.

"But..he..." Kageyama stuttered.

"I'm really sorry, I can't help you. I've never even heard of this boy" she said. Then she gently closed the door.

Kageyama was stumped. This was the house, he's even seen Hinata here hanging out on the porch before.

"Is that your idea of a joke? It's cruel. Luckily the Hinata family moved away years ago" a voice came from the house next to the one Kageyama was standing at.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kageyama asked moving closer to the house. On a porch swing sat an elderly lady with silver hair.

"Do you know Hinata Shoyo? Could you tell me where he is?" Kageyama asked politely.

"I did know him, when he lived here" she answered.

"What do you mean by that. He still does live here, doesn't he?" Kageyama asked.

The lady shook her head confused. "Son, the boy you are looking for has been dead for eight years today" she said. Her words hit him like a brick to the face. An immediate weight put on his shoulders. Kageyama fell backwards at her words.

"Y-y-you're wrong" he said getting back to his feet. Then he turned and took off. Kageyama didn't want to see the lady anymore, he didn't want to think about her words.

Kageyama ran home opening the door and slamming it behind him wishing he could leave his thoughts outside.

"Are you okay Tobio?" his mother asked as he stumbled up the stairs.

"I have to go to the library" he called out grabbing a jacket from his hook.

While in his room he noticed that the bed was neatly made, he was sure that Hinata and him had left it a mess as they rushed out the door this morning. Then he saw it sitting there at the foot of the bed. A neatly folded hoodie and an old beaten up volleyball with 'Shoyo' messily written across it.

"Damn it!" he yelled looking at the bed. He then whipped both the ball and the hoodie off the bed in frustration. The hoodie now lay on the ground in a bundled up mess and the volleyball was rolling around the floor.

Kageyama left the room slamming the door. His mom looked at him as he came down the stairs. She looked concerned.

"Everything okay?" she asked again. Kageyama nodded and walked out the door as he heard his mom call out "I am making ramen for dinner."

Kageyama grabbed his bike. He rode it down the hill, the same way he had done a thousand times before.

None of this makes any sense. It's probably some sort of joke or something.

In the library he found a seat by a computer. Kageyama then frantically started to type. Hinata Shoyo.

When he entered there were a few results, mostly articles. He clicked on the first one.


Tragedy in Miyagi

October 27th at 3:24pm a tragic event occurred. A young boy sixteen years of age was unfortunately the victim of a car crash at woodberry st and maple st. The boy was crossing the street when hit by a drunk driver. Unfortunately Hinata Shoyo died on the spot..... Shoyo attended the local high school, Karasuno and was in first year.... Shoyo lived with his parents and younger sister...... It was a really devastating day for the small community....


Kageyama continued to read the article. It went on to talk about Hinata, his interests, his achievements, his goals, all the stuff that Kageyama already knew about him.

Kageyama reread the article several times over. "It's not real" he whispered to himself. But on the cover of the article was a picture of a short orange haired boy with a bright smile.

It's not real...

As Long As You Need Me ~ Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now