5 ~ Sleep Tight

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Kageyama continued to meet up with Hinata for the rest of the week. On Friday they were practicing together. "Kageyama, why don't you practice with your team anymore?" Hinata asked.

"Well um, I do....just not for the rest of this week" Kageyama answered honestly. "Well why not?" Hinata asked jumping towards Kageyama. Kageyama rolled his eyes.

He really doesn't understand the concept of personal space does he?

It was silent for a few minutes when Kageyama finally gave Hinata an answer "I got into a fight with a teammate, he really doesn't like me at all."

"Is it that tall scary guy with the glasses?" Hinata asked jumping to signal the height difference between him and Tsukishima. "Yeah, he calls me a tyrant" Kageyama said.

"Well are you a tyrant?" Hinata asked. It wasn't in a rude way or a way of mocking Kageyama, it was genuine curiosity. "You know, one day someone is going to punch your face in for questions like that" Kageyama said, but Hinata just tilted his head implying that his question still hadn't been answered.

"Maybe I was once. But I'm not...I mean I don't want to be anymore" Kageyama answered surprising even himself at the answer. "There you go! Then just don't be, the big jerk has no reason to be mad at you if you don't give him one. So just don't give him a reason" Hinata exclaimed smiling.

"Plus" he added "your sets are the best ones I've ever seen! I bet you can adjust to that jerk and make him feel stupid" Hinata said laughing. Kageyama smiled in agreement.

"Don't you think it's getting a little late Hinata?" Kageyama asked. "Oh come on but it's Friday. Just a few more sets Kageyama" Hinata whined.

"How about we work on it again tomorrow? I'll meet you here around 8 AM" Kageyama said trying to cheer up the smaller boy.

"Okay" Hinata said with his signature smile. "Don't you dare be late though" Kageyama added.

"Okay, I'll be here by 7:30 then" Hinata said. "Well then I will be here at 7:28" Kageyama said getting competitive. "What? No fair" Hinata cried out.

"See you Hinata" Kageyama called out as he walked away. As Kageyama walked toward his house, he realized that he was still holding Hinatas beat up volleyball. He stared at the ball for a few minutes then made a decision.

It's not too late. I will run this back to Hinatas house and still make it home early enough.

Kageyama took off jogging. The night air was nice. It was spring and the weather was slowly getting hotter. He thought back to the address Hinata had said a few days back. Kageyama turned down a street he had never been down before.

In the distance he could see a figure just standing on the sidewalk looking up at one of the houses. Startled by the sight Kageyama considered turning around and going back to his house. But the figure looked small, almost like a child.

Kageyama cautiously approached the figure, as he got closer he began to relax, realizing that it was only Hinata standing there, outside the address he had given him earlier. "Hinata?" Kageyama called out causing the other boy to jump.

"Oh hi Kageyama" Hinata said when he saw the familiar face. "I came here to give you your ball..." Kageyama let his voice trail off, then confused asked a question "what are you doing out here?"

"I'm not really sure" he answered. Hinata sounded detached from his voice. "This is your house isn't it?" Kageyama asked looking at the house. It was a nice house, it had a beautiful garden and a porch swing. The only odd thing was that all the lights in the house were off, not even a porch light remained on. Kageyama thought it was a little strange that Hinatas family wouldn't leave a light on while they waited for their young son to get home.

"It's my house" Hinata said still emotionless. He suddenly peeled his eyes away from the house and looked at Kageyama "don't you find it strange how fast things change?" he asked looking Kageyama in the eyes.

It was a strange question, and it was a little weird to see Hinata acting so out of the ordinary. He didn't have his usual smile and there was a sadness in his eyes and voice.

"Um yeah I guess" Kageyama stumbled on his words " uh Hinata, do you want to come sleep at my house tonight?" this was the first time Kageyama had ever asked someone to sleep at his place, it was such a strange idea to him. Why bother hanging out with someone if you will both be sleeping the whole time? He didn't even mean to ask, he just did.

But the second he asked Hinatas entire face lit up. His normal smile returned and he excitedly yelled "do you really want to!?"

No Kageyama thought but it was too late to take back his invitation. He didn't mind though, he liked seeing the smile on Hinata much better than that lost look he had a few minutes ago.

Kageyama grabbed Hinatas arm to help lead him in the right direction, but the second his hand touched Hinatas arm he felt a shiver. "Why are you so cold?" he questioned, it was a nice night out, maybe a little chilly at times but not cold.

Hinata didn't answer though, he was too focused on his thoughts. "I've never had a sleepover before! What do you do?" he asked excitedly. "You sleep" Kageyama answered already annoyed.

They reached Kageyamas house and made their way up the steps. Kageyama opened the door to reveal the lights in the hallway were on but the rest were off.

"My dad is on a business trip and my mom is working nights, so it's just us here. I think my mom put some leftovers in the fridge that we can eat though" Kageyama said leading Hinata to the kitchen and opening the fridge.

"Do you like ramen?" he asked settling his sight on the dish on the top shelf of the fridge. "Yes!" Hinata exclaimed as his eyes widened and he took a seat in one of the chairs around the table. Kageyama heated up two bowls of ramen and handed one to Hinata, sitting in a chair next to him.

Hinata finished his bowl in a matter of minutes while Kageyama took a little longer. After that they went upstairs to Kageyamas room.

Hinata sat down on the bed while Kageyama pulled out a sleeping bag and spread it out on the ground. "Are you still cold?" he asked looking over at Hinata.

"I wasn't to begin with" Hinata said. Kageyama responded by grabbing Hinatas arm in with his hand. "Lier, your arm is freezing" Kageyama said standing up.

Kageyama walked over to his bedroom door and grabbed a hoodie that was hanging on a hook attached to the door. "Put that on" he ordered tossing the hoodie to Hinata.

Hinata caught it and held it up, as he examined it he smiled. He put it on over his shirt. The hoodie was way to big for him but he liked it. Hinata then climbed off the bed and curled up in the sleeping bag.

Kageyama crawled into his bed, turning off the lamp that was on his bedside table. Through the darkness the two boys could still see each other once their eyes adjusted.

"Kageyama" Hinatas voice came out from the darkness. "Hmm?" Kageyama asked. "Thank you" Kageyama couldn't see Hinata very well but he could tell that Hinata was smiling.

"Whatever, now go to sleep you idiot" Kageyama said. He was glad that it was dark. That way his smile couldn't be seen by the boy lying on the floor, his first ever friend.

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