7 ~ Night Talks

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It had been over a week since Kageyama had yelled at Hinata. Things were back to normal now. Kageyama would spend time practicing with his team preparing for the qualifiers that would send them to spring nationals.

After school he would meet up with Hinata. Things were a little different though. Although Hinata would still constantly insist on getting a set from Kageyama, sometimes the two of them would just spend time hanging out instead.

They would have some of the strangest conversations, Kageyama still found Hinata the most intriguing person he had ever met. And Hinata found that Kageyama could be unbearably mean at times, but was still fun to talk to, and he couldn't explain it but he had an attachment to the other boy.

Either way they were both the others first and only real friend.

Kageyama was on his way home from practice one Tuesday afternoon. He saw Hinata standing on the hill waiting for him. "Can you set to me?" Hinata jumped up excitedly when he saw Kageyama coming.

"Not today, I have a lot of homework" Kageyama answered slowing down so the two could walk together. "Oh well, can I come with you then?" Hinata asked. Kageyama was surprised that Hinata didn't whine and complain like usual.

"Are you good at math?" Kageyama asked. He doubted it, but was still hopeful since he did want some help. "Well um...." Hinata let his voice trail off before answering "not exactly."

Kageyama sighed, although he did expect that answer. The two walked to Kageyamas house. Hinata watched fascinated as Kageyama worked on some math problems.

"Don't you have your own homework?" Kageyama asked a little annoyed at the other for watching him so closely. Hinata just shook his head though.

Kageyama took another two hours to finish his work, Hinata was quiet out of respect. When he got bored of watching Kageyama he simply got up and looked through Kageyamas stuff. Sometimes he would find something interesting and fiddle with it for a while before getting bored.

"Okay, I'm finished. Let's go downstairs and make something to eat" Kageyama said, at this Hinatas eyes lit up.

They looked through the fridge not finding anything that stuck out. Kageyama settled on making some soba, which Hinata gladly agreed to.

As Kageyama prepared the noodles Hinata was shocked. "What?" Kageyama questioned looking at Hinatas expression. "That's how easy it is to make!" Hinata exclaimed.

Kageyama gave him a confused look "um yeah. Never done cooking at your own house?" he questioned. To this Hinata shook his head. The two of them raced to finish the meal faster, Hinata winning but just barely.

"Kageyama, can I please stay over?" Hinata bugged. "No it's a school night" Kageyama answered. Hinata pouted "but please, I will go to sleep early and we can walk together in the morning."

Kageyama gave a look that said no. "Please" Hinata whined some more. "Fine" Kageyama gave in "but you're sleeping on the floor again" he added.

"Okay!" Hinata said jumping in celebration. Kageyama laid out the sleeping bag for Hinata once again. Hinata curled up in the sleeping bag, still cozy in the hoodie that was too big for him.

The lights were once again off and the two of them lay there in silence for a long time. Finally Kageyama broke the silence. "Hinata, why do you care so much about being called ace? I mean it's just a title, it's the same as being a normal wing spiker" Kageyama questioned.

Kageyama was met with silence for minutes, so he assumed that the other had fallen asleep. But then out of the silence he could hear Hinatas voice "I've always wanted to be the ace, it's the coolest title! But Kageyama, it's so much more than a title, it means that your team needs you and relies on you to get that point. I've never had a real team, and I've never been needed like that, I just want to be good enough to make others put their full trust in me."

Kageyama didn't know how to respond. So he just let the silence take over. The room stayed like that for an hour or so. Kageyama still lay awake though, unable to find sleep.

He was about to roll over to try a different sleeping position when he heard Hinatas voice soft, barely even a whisper "thank you, for letting me be here for you."

It was strange words and Kageyama was unable to make sense of them. He sat there replaying the words in his head until he eventually nodded off to sleep.

In the morning Kageyama and Hinata both had some cereal for breakfast. This time Kageyama won the eating contest. As they walked Kageyama considered asking Hinata about what he meant last night, but he figured that he wasn't supposed to hear those words.

They parted ways, that day at volleyball practice Kageyama found out there would be a training camp coming up. It would last a few days with various other teams from the Tokyo prefecture.

When he met up with Hinata after school he told him about the training camp. Hinatas eyes lit up with excitement. "Why are you so excited, idiot? You're not even going" Kageyama asked.

"Hey that was mean" Hinata pouted "besides someone has to get excited, have you ever even been excited before?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah" Kageyama said taking a swing to playfully punch Hinata. "Oww" Hinata cried out.

"When you get back, can you tell me all about your training camp. Oh tell me about the other teams aces, oh and their spikers, oh and their blockers, oh oh and-" Hinata was getting really excited but Kageyama cut him off "okay, how about I just tell you about everything. Sound alright?"

"Yep!" Hinata beamed.

As Long As You Need Me ~ Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now