9 ~ Teenagers

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Another two months had past, Karasuno was now in another tournament. This was huge, they needed to win to go to nationals.

Kageyamas practices with his team became longer, meaning that his practices with Hinata became shorter. Hinata didn't mind though, he would gladly take whatever time he could get to spike.

Kageyama had told Hinata all about how important this tournament would be. He told Hinata about nationals. "I'm so jealous of you! I wish I could go to nationals!" Hinata whined.

"I'm not going to nationals yet, idiot. I still have to make it through this tournament first" Kageyama said. "Yeah but with your skills there is no way your team is going to fail" Hinata said smiling.

Hinata jumped up "just imagine the crowd cheering like crazy as you send the perfect set, then your teammate spikes it down so hard the other team doesn't even have time to react!" Hinata exclaimed making gestures with his hands.

The two of them had been talking sitting on the steps of Kageyamas house. "You want me to set for you?" Kageyama asked. At that Hinata jumped up not needing to say a word to show his excitement.

But before they left Hinata noticed something at the side of Kageyamas house. "Is that your bike?" he asked walking towards it.

"Yeah, I just got the chain fixed on it" Kageyama said. "You know, I used to have one almost the exact same. Can we ride it!?" Hinata asked unable to hold in his excitement.

"What do you mean 'we'?" Kageyama asked looking at the single person bike. "Hmm you're right we won't both fit on that seat. So how about you pedal and I will sit on the handlebars" he suggested.

"Oh yeah cause that seems fair" Kageyama rolled his eyes. But then he climbed onto the bike and gestured for Hinata to get on.

Hinata gladly hopped onto the handle bars. Hinata was a lot lighter than Kageyama had expected making the trip a whole lot easier.

At the start Hinata leaned forward and held his hands out to his side to balance himself. He was smiling one of his brightest smiles. Kageyama struggled to see around Hinata so he poked his head over to one side.

Everything was going well when they got to the hill. "So how does this work going downhill?" Kageyama asked as the started down the hill.

"No idea" Hinata shouted over the wind "I've never done this before!" he said excitedly. That worried Kageyama "what?!" he shouted trying his best to slow down the speed, but there was too much weight and they were picking up speed fast.

Hinata almost losing balance, shot his hand down to grip the handlebar, so he wouldn't fall off. However, instead of grabbing the handlebar he ended up clinging to Kageyamas hands as tight as he could.

Hinatas hands felt cold against Kageyamas hands but he ignored the feeling knowing that if Hinata let go he would fall. Kageyama was doing his best to keep control over his bike.

This was a very bad idea. We are going to crash!

When they made it to the bottom of the hill they were going so fast. Kageyama had lost control and did everything he could to turn the bike off the road before they crashed. They both went flying onto the grass.

After landing Kageyama shot his head up to see if the other boy was alright. He then saw a laughing Hinata. "That was so fun! With the wind in my face and the speed! Let's do it again!" he said between laughs.

"No way!" Kageyama responded, just making Hinata laugh some more. "Come and set for me!" Hinata cried out jumping to his feet and running ahead into the forest.

Kageyama was in a little pain from the fall, but he ignored it as he jogged to catch up to Hinata. The two practiced for hours. It had been a while since they got that much practice in but Hinata was so happy to be spiking, he kept asking for more sets.

When they finished it was dark. Hinata had run ahead out of the forest and Kageyama ran to catch up. "Hinata! You forgot your ball again!" Kageyama yelled chucking the ball at Hinata.

Hinata was not ready for it, so the ball knocked him over. He laid there on the ground for a while. "Come on, get up it's time to go" Kageyama said nudging Hinatas rib with his foot.

Hinata continued to look up at the sky "it's so pretty." Kageyama looked up, there were tons of stars out. It was nice to live in a smaller town because big city lights didn't block out the stars.

Kageyama climbed down to his knees, then laid down next to Hinata. It was a chilly night. Hinata had his two hands folded on his stomach. As a breeze hit them Kageyama acted without thinking.

He reached over and grabbed the other boys hand knowing it would be freezing. "You're cold again idiot" Kageyama said sternly. He then wrapped both his hands around Hinatas in an attempt to warm it.

Hinata was still staring at the sky. "What do you think happens when you die?" he asked. The question was so abrupt and out of nowhere that it sort of startled Kageyama.

"I don't know, I like to think that there is another life beyond this one. One where bad things don't happen and people can be happy" Kageyama shrugged as he spoke.

"Yeah but what if you need the people here on earth to be happy?" Hinata asked, he was being serious, no smile or joking, just serious.

"Then I guess you wait for them" Kageyama said staring up at the stars. "But that doesn't matter, I don't plan on dying anytime soon, and you aren't going to either" Kageyama said.

Hinata gave him a smile. But it wasn't his normal bright and cheerful smile. Something about it was sad.

As Long As You Need Me ~ Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now