6 ~ Blame

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Kageyama and Hinata spent the rest of the weekend practicing volleyball, they were working on some combos despite the fact that they would never play on the same team.

Hinata had managed to convince Kageyama to let him keep the hoodie. Kageyama reluctantly gave in after a lot of begging. Even though it was hot out Hinata refused to take the hoodie off.

The weekend went by fast. When Kageyama returned to school he had wished he could have Hinata on his team instead of Tsukishima. But he remembered the orange haired boys advice.

He did his best to send the type of tosses Tsukishima wanted to him. It was difficult to adjust to his style, but Kageyama accepted the challenge. The two ended up working together, though they still disliked each other.

Kageyama was once again allowed to practice with the team. Although now he found himself mostly looking forward to after practice when he could go see Hinata. Kageyama didn't quite understand what it was about Hinata that he liked so much.

For the next few weeks the two boys would meet up after schools and hang out on weekends. Kageyama would tell Hinata about his games and practice games. Hinata would excitedly listen, never losing interest.

Kageyama had a big game coming up. He was in a tournament hoping to go to nationals. Up against his middle school teammates, who made up the team of Abajo Sai.

Kageyama was determined to win. He told Hinata about the match up the night before and Hinata cheerfully gave him the confidence he needed. Hinata had fully put his faith in Kageyama.

"I know you can do it" Hinata had said smiling and giving him a thumbs up. Kageyama had simply smiled back.

Now it was the match. They were in their third set, tied up. Kageyama set the ball to Tanaka, he was sure it was the right choice, Tanaka spiked the ball. But it was caught by the other teams libero. Sending the ball to Oikawa, the other teams setter and one of Kageyamas biggest rival. Oikawa sent a perfect set to their ace Iwazumi, who spiked it down. The ball hit the floor.

Kageyama scowled, determined to get the next point. Once the other team served the ball, Daichi made an incredible receive.

This is it Kageyama thought to himself this is it. I need to act, I need to get a point.

Without thinking Kageyama instinctively sent the perfect set to Tsukishima. Or it would have been the perfect set, if it were Hinata beside him. The set went flying out of reach of Tsukishima, it was way too fast for him to react to. That was it, game over.

Kageyama stood there frozen while the other team celebrated. He had practiced that set a thousand times, it was something natural to him.

That set shouldn't have been so natural. A set I can never use with my team is useless. Yet I practiced it nonstop. It was drilled into my head.

Kageyama was furious. He just wanted to go home and sleep. Maybe he could forget all about the day.

When he arrived at his house he was disappointed to see a short orange haired boy sitting on his front step.

I'm not in the mood Hinata. Please just leave now.

But he knew that Hinata wasn't going to leave he was waiting to see Kageyama. Kageyama walked up the steps around Hinata completely ignoring Hinatas presence.

"Kageyama?" Hinata asked "how did it go?" he asked a little nervously. Kageyama looked back and stared at Hinata for a moment "not now Hinata" he said reaching for the door knob.

"Not well, huh? Well at least there is anoth-" Hinata was cut off by Kageyamas yells "IT WAS MY FAULT! I SET IT LIKE I WAS SETTING TO YOU" Kageyama yelled at Hinata.

"Oh" Hinata said shifting his weight to the other foot. "Damn it! You're always asking me to set for you. Well guess what, that set is useless! You are the only freak who can hit it, and that's all you can do! You think that you can be an ace but you're not even good enough to be on a team!" Kageyama yelled. He knew he was saying too much and being too harsh but he couldn't stop himself.

Hinata stood there staring. The look of hurt on his face almost made Kageyamas heart crumble. But he refused to take his words back. Kageyama was about to tell Hinata to leave when something unexpected happened.

Hinata sprung towards Kageyama, both his arms wrapping around the other boys ribs. Hinata squeezed him tight.

"You can be mad at me and blame me for this" Hinatas voice was soft and quiet "But don't you DARE abandon me because of this" he said the last sentence firmly.

Kageyama wasn't sure how to respond. He could feel Hinata shaking and he was sure that the other boy was crying into his chest. Kageyama awkwardly wrapped his arms around Hinata in an attempt to comfort his friend.

Hinata cried for another minute or so, then he looked up at Kageyama, a few tears still in his eyes. "I swear that I will be here as long as you need me, okay?"

Kageyama was confused by these words but he gave Hinata a simple two word answer "okay, idiot."

As Long As You Need Me ~ Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now