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A/N: A small feast for your eyes to get this book started. 😘 Before his tattoos.

The crackling sound of flames and immediate heat alarms the young mother. She was taking shelter from the cold in the abandoned building, along with her two small children.

She starts to panic and starts to wake her sleeping kids. They are covered in the grease covered tarps she found laying around.

She can see smoke coming through the various cracks in the walls and underneath the closed door. She bends down and grabs her youngest of only two years old in her arms, while trying to carry her five year old in the other arm.

They are still sleepy and are fighting her, but when they hear her start to cough and then see how terrified she looks they start to cry.

When she tries the door she immediately gets burned. She starts to scream out of the broken window for help. But the building is at a distance from any surrounding buildings.

She places her kids on the ground and they hold on tight to her legs when they see a big flame burn through the floor. She tries pushing out the remaining pieces of glass and she then looks down at the dark ground.

She can't remember what or if anything is there that could cushion their fall. But the only thing she's worried about right now is the lives of her children. Even if she perishes.

Her oldest screams at her when the flames are less than three feet away. The tarp that they had used as a blanket earlier, catches on fire and reaches them quicker than expected.

She realizes that they're all covered in oil and grease. So she does the only thing she could think of and picks them both up with strength she didn't know she had.

And she tries to throw them through the broken window to what she hopes is safety. But the added weight of all three in the spot where she stood, suddenly gives way and they all fall through.

Their screams echoing down until they are silenced by a loud thud.

The fire trucks soon arrive and they do their best to put the fire out. With the help of spotlights they search through the embers, and make the grim discovery of the three bodies.

Firefighter Jeon Jungkook has been dealing with lots of fires lately, and is getting pissed off. When he is told of the bodies they found, he calls the detective that is assigned to the arson cases.


"Hey, I'm at the scene of another fire, but this one has casualties."

The voice on the other end screams out a string of cuss words and then says,
"Send me the location and I'll be there soon."

They end the call and Jungkook returns to do his job. When the detective arrives, he walks over to him and as they're talking they casually observe the onlookers who have gathered around.

Jungkook spots a tall, gorgeous man standing behind a crowd of people. He looks so worried and his eyes glance around nervously.

The detective spots him as well and has the crime scene photographer take several pictures of the crowd. He knows that the guilty party usually like to stick around to observe their handy work.

"I think I'm going to go talk to that tall guy in the back." Jungkook tells him.

"Come on now, we both have a job to do. Don't be trying to score a date right now."

"I am doing part of my job. You're just mad cause I beat you to it Yoongi." He said with a chuckle.

Yoongi just mumbled something and turned back to the crime scene. The bodies have already been removed and taken to the morgue, but he searches the debris hoping for a clue as to their identities.

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